19. Back To The Right Earth

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You were all spit out onto the damp floor of the cave, me without any changes but as for the team... Teddy stood up and everyone saw that his hair was back to normal. "Hey, it worked! My hair is normal again."

Tommy held up his hands and wiggled all ten fingers with a grin. "Right amount of fingers!" America's brown eyes lit up before she spoke. "I don't have a frog in my throat!" She cheered, embracing Teddy in a bear hug. "And I'm not attached to my body!" Deadpool's voice said with enthusiasm. 

"Wait-wut?" You said, turning around to see pieces of Deadpool scattered behind you. His limbs were in a discombobulated pile of sizzling flesh while his masked head was smiling off to the side. You pinched your nose shut at the smell and shielded you eyes. "I thought I gave you my pin why didn't it protect you?" 

"Oh that's what that was? I thought it was a souvenir for the titans so I left it with them." Deadpool said. You looked back at him but instantly regretted it. "EWWW!!"

"That is disgusting." Teddy said, covering America's eyes with his hand. "I did not need to see that." Tommy muttered, while his brother just made a weird face. "Wait a minute, I can't feel my legs. I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!!!" Deadpool's head screamed.

"WHISKERS!?!?!" Kate's voice thundered. She stood up from her spot on the ground to display four whiskers growing from each side of her button nose. Now she has black cat ears, a black spiked tail that split into two tails, and whiskers. Her eyes narrowed into slits and I could practically see steam coming from her cat ears. 

"Wow, that passage really doesn't like you." Tommy commented, earning a smack upside the head from one of Kate's tails. "I NOTICED." She growled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Perhaps they will all go away when you return to your original world?" America offered. 

Kate gave no reply but the sound of Will's laughing filled your ears. "This is payback for all the times you've been mean to Y/N!" Kate rolled her eyes before speaking. "When am I ever mean to Y/N?"

The entire room shared a scoff. "The time you pushed her off the boat and left her stranded in the ocean." Teddy said. "Or that one time when you used her as a target to practice shooting your new arrows." America added. "The day you pushed her off a building to test how fast my reflexes were." Tommy added. "Don't forget the day we were on a mission to stop the aliens and you pushed her down the garbage shoot of their space ship because the hallway was too crowded." Will added. "Plus, in that same day you tried to sacrifice me to their alien leader in return for one of their burritos." You finished. 

[AN: If you want to see those events as bonus chapters, comment now or else I won't make them.]

Kate remained silent with her arms crossed when Deadpool spoke up. "Look on the bright side, at least you're still attached to all your other body parts." Kate growled at the head before marching over to it and grabbing it by the back of the mask. "I have had just about enough of you!!!" She threw the head up and ninja kicked it across the cave. You moved out of the way of the flying head before cringing. "You okay, Wade?" 

"Yeah I'll be fine, my body will grow back soon so I'll catch up with you when that happens." He replied with a groan. "Can we please get up to the surface so that we can fight Delta?" Teddy asked in a rather annoyed tone. 

You waited as everyone left the cave so that you could ask Will something. "Why is it that you aren't having any mutations?" The man pulled off his hood and faced you straight on. You covered your mouth when you saw fluffy bunny ears growing from his head. "They keep getting bigger." He said seriously, never losing eye contact.

You slowly put the hood back over his head to cover the bunny ears. Then you heard America's voice call out your name. "Y/N!! We have a little problem." You ran to the outside of the cave with Will close behind. When you reached the rest of the team you looked up to see what they were all staring at. 

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