9. The Sixth Avenger

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You put the plastic whistle between your lips before blowing with all your might. At the shrieking noise, Hawkeye and Ms. America both fell out of their beds. You knew this because you could hear the flopping sound from outside the door. 

The door on the right was kicked off it's hinges to reveal a livid Hawkeye. "What in the name of Odin's beard are you doing?!" She growled, eyes red with sleep. At the bulging of the vein in her forehead Wiccan and Speed both took a few steps away from you.

"It's like nine o'clock in the morning." America muttered as she sleepily leaned against her door frame. You let the whistle fall loosely around you neck before letting a smirk slide onto your lips. "I spoke with you Captain and she agreed that it would be good to have a new face around and that new face could help keep the old faces rust free!"

All of the Young Avengers, including the boys that you already explained this to, remained silent and confused. Finally you dropped your fancy talk and let the excitement take over. "I get to be part of your team!!!!"

Before they could respond you continued to freak out. "But wait, it gets better! Since I don't have any powers, I get to be your personal trainer!!!"

"What?" All five of them exclaimed, you had left that part out when you told the boys so they would all be surprised.

Although you grew discouraged when no one seemed happy. "No offense but-" Hawkeye cut the sleepy Ms. America off. "What do you know about training super heros?!"

"Yeah, what she said just nicer." America said, pulling a blue sweatshirt over her head. "A bit more than you do, sleeping beauty." You replied under your breath.

Unfortunately Hawkeye heard what you said and decided to roundhouse kick you in the face. You landed on the hard wood floor with a thump and stars swirling your vision. "LeSoN nUmBeR oNe, dO nOt kIcK tHy mAsTeR!"


You laced your fingers together before stretching your arms in front of you. Your H/C hair was in a pony tail at the top of your head and a smile was placed on your lips. You had all of your pupils placed on their own yoga matt inside their rather large training room.  "Alright the first thing we will be doing is a few yoga poses to loosen up and relax our muscles."

You received a few confused glances but you ignored them and went into your first pose. You bent your knee back so you could grab your right ankle and gracefully hold it up behind you. "I call this, the elongated tree!"

You closed your sparkling E/C eyes and tried to focus on the imaginary breeze floating through your mind. Not your struggling student.

"Alright we are going to lower our leg and calmly bend over to press our hands to the matt." You instructed calmly, almost as if you were on of those hipie yoga instructors you see on TV.

"Excuse me Ms....... What do I call you?" Hulking as Theo asked. "Y/N is fine." You answered cheerfully, really working that downward dog.

"I can't touch the ground." He muttered meekly. As you looked around you noticed that none of your students could bend that far except Hawkeye.

"Well that's alright, as long as you feel a stretch in the back of your legs you are doing it!" You assured.

After a few moments you got and your belly and arched your top half up to the sky. "Now we are going to transition into 'MBLERGH I'm a sNaKe!!'"

Thankfully everyone was able to do this pose. "Are all of these official names?" Wiccan asked with amusement in his voice.

"Nope, but really yoga pose names are boring so I like to make my own names." You answered, keeping your eyes closed as you enjoyed the stretch in your spine.

"Since we are on the ground, let's do a little pose I like to call 'Your Savior Is Here!'" You said as you slid into the splits. You let a confident smirk grow on your lips and held both hands out in victory. "Now imagine you just saved everyone from Asgard exploding and are now being ravished in all of your own glory!"

"That is only specific." Speed commented, using his hand to hold himself up above the ground. The boys did an adjusted version of the splits where only one leg was bent and they sat on the other but both of the girl successfully did the pose.

"Great, now lay down on your back, bend your legs over your head, and touch your toes to the ground. Basically imagine yourself as a ramp." You instructed.

"Woah, wOAH!!" Ms. America exclaimed as she procceded to do an accidental backflip. The group collectively chuckled before you spoke. "That's perfectly normal, this pose is a little tricky."

You slowly lowered your legs and stood to your feet. "Now stand up and take a deep breath!" Your students did as told and inhaled rather loudly.

You popped one hip and, twisted the opposite leg, and pointed finger guns at your students. "And you're done!"

"Great! Can I go back to bed now?" Hawkeye asked, earning a glare from you. "No, that was just our warm up, the real work is about to begin."


"Go gO GO!!!!" You screamed, clapping your hands together. Your students all huffed and puffed as they continued to run up and down the 47 flights of stairs. "How do you expect to save the world if you cant climb a few stairs!" You yelled, voice echoing down the large stairwell. 

When they all reached the top you blew your whistle. "Okay good work, now we're going to go swim a mile. Wiccan make a portal please!" The boy made a portal and once you all reached the shoreline he spoke up. "You know we have real names right?"

"Less talking more swimming!" You barked, you were enjoying this exercise trainer role too much to break character. "Why don't you have to swim with us?" Ms. America asked, following her team into the cold water. "Because I'm a normal boring human, please swim." 

The girl sighed before pushing herself through the cold waves. "Good job keep going until your legs go numb!!!" You yelled, enjoying the wind blowing through your H/C hair. 

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