16. Knight In Shining Armor

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Your entire body was aching. Every fiber of your being was feeling pain and you didn't even want to think about moving. "That's gonna hurt in the morning." You mumbled through closed lips. Thankfully you could keep your eyes open and you watched Delta close the electronic amulet above you. 

She tossed the spear to the side and hung the amulet around her neck with an evil grin. "Finally." She grabbed a small duffle bag off the ground before speaking again. "Wasn't that better than dying?" 

"Debatable." You groaned, head still feeling as though it was vibrating. "Well I'm off to take over your world, have a nice life here." Delta said with a wave before disappearing through the metal door. 

Once she was gone the lights went out and the whole room went dark. There were a few windows but only a few stray beams of moonlight were able to enter. You fought through the pain and raised your head to see if there was anyway to break out of them. 

Unfortunately you saw none, if you were able to move your body around without pain then you might be able to wiggle out of one of the ropes but even still it was a long shot. You closed your E/C eyes and went over the situation in your head.

Your friends think you're dead.
An evil descendent is taking over your world as you think.
You're strapped to a table in who knows where.
You have no way of getting out and are probably going to die here.

... But on the plus side you could take a nap without having to worry about Kate splashing you with a bucket of water. "I wish Tommy were here... It's too bad that they all think I'm dead." You thought aloud.

You picture Tommy fazing in through the walls, ripping your restraints off, and swooping you up into his arms. Your boyfriend wouldn't give up on you that easily, right? He's got to have some kind of feeling you're still alive!

You squinted your eyes shut and prayed for a miracle. Suddenly a large bang brought you out of your thoughts. Your hopes instantly flew to the clouds and you expected Tommy to zip to your rescue.

However once you saw who your knight in shining armor was, your hope crash landed into the surface of the earth. And that hope blew up many many times.

"Will?" You asked in  slightly disappointed tone. His brown eyes widened at the sight of you and he dissipated the blue energy coming from his fists. "Y/N!" He called, red cape flowing behind him as he rushed to your side. 

"Are you hurt?" He asked, untying your ropes. "Yes I am, but where's Tommy?" Will's eyes flashed with hurt as he undid the last rope. "Don't get hung up over my brother, he's kind of a playboy and you deserve better... Much better."

You were confused by his sentence but brushed it away. "Are you trying to say that it's just you?" Will didn't answer and picked you up into his arms causing you to scream.

"What's wrong?" Will asked with panic in is voice. "I'm in pain, genius!" You said through gritted teeth. 

"What hurts?" He asked, setting you back down. "Literally everything hurts! She ripped apart my cells to extract all of my fancy energy."

Will nodded and used his magic to lift you into the air. The feeling of levitating was bizzare but relaxing all at the same time. "Is that better?" He asked with tenderness in his voice.

"Yeah actually, thank you." You mumbled in response. "We need to get you back to the island." Will said, having his magic carry you out the door. "So how did you find me and why wasn't anyone else looking?" You asked, trying to break the awkward silence. 

"Well Tommy disappeared and everyone else thinks you're dead. The whole situation didn't sit right with me, I've seen a dead body before and the person whoever planted your 'body' had no idea what they were doing. So I worked a few magic spells and did some poking around before I found you." Will answered, now flying himself since you were outside of the warehouse. 

"Thank you, again... Why didn't you get Tommy to help you?" You asked, feeling slightly betrayed by your boyfriend. Will sighed before pausing in once of the clouds. He looked you in the eyes briefly before looking at the distant buildings. "I know how much you like him but he's not who you think he is. He does the same thing with girls every time, makes them fall, stays close for a while, and then he goes behind their back and picks up the next girl."

You let out an offended scoff. "He would never do that to me..." Although once the words left your lips you started to feel insecure. "Right?" Will frowned before speaking. "He kinda already has. Whenever you aren't around he flirts with other girls and there's this one purple haired chick he keeps hanging out with."

You shook your head and felt tears spring out of your E/C eyes. "That's not-... I can't-..." Will cut off your stuttering by pulling you into a gentle hug, being careful not to touch you too much. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just knew how much you liked him and I didn't want to crush you... I feel really bad about it now, I was a horrible friend.

You fought through the pain and shook your head against his chest. "It's not your fault... You said he just does this to girls, any girl?" You spoke in a sad voice. "It's horrible but yeah, that's what he does."

"So I didn't do anything wrong?" You asked, looking up at him with broken E/C eyes. "Of course not!" He assured as he pulled away from you. He wiped a stray tear off your cheek before he spoke. "Don't cry, that bastard isn't worth it."

You sniffled before nodding. "You're right... It still sucks though." Will continued to fly the both of you back to the island. "Tell you what, once we get back I will hold him down and you can punch him into next Friday."


You and Will reached the shore of the island and Will touched to the ground softly. "Can you walk on your own?" Will asked, bringing you closer to the ground. "If you don't mind helping me a little bit." You answered, reaching out for his hand. 

Will put one arm around your waist and laced his other hand through yours. "Am I hurting you?" He asked with concern in his tone. "No, you're good." You replied even though he was hurting you a little bit. You entire body was still screaming but it was a bearable pain and you needed to stretch your legs.

Will patiently helped you walk all the way up to the tower but what you saw by the door made you beyond angry. There was your boyfriend kissing a purple haired girl right by the entrance to the tower.  

"Thomas!!" You growled, making him jump away from the other woman. "Y/N! I-I thought you were dead." He said as if it was supposed to validate his actions. "Yeah, for like two hours! Plus, Will has been telling me this has been going on for a while." You hissed, walking out of Will's arms. 

"Look I know this looks bad but I can explain. I do love you." Your boyfriend cooed, flashing you puppy dog eyes. You scoffed before speaking. "No, you clearly don't love me and I'm over it. This is over!" You exclaimed, gesturing between the two of you.

Tommy shrugged it off and looked as though he was about to go back to his purple haired girlfriend before you sucker punched him right in the face. Tommy fell to the ground and your fist was KILLING you but it was worth it. 

Will was quickly at your side and you gratefully leaned on him for support. "If I were you, I would have kicked him between the legs." You chuckled before the pain took over again. "Can we get me some painkillers now because I am on agony!"

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