14. OTP

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You were laying on the ground and just about to push yourself into a backbend when fear struck your heart. It had been about five weeks since you broke your rib and you were supposed to add in a little physical therapy, specifically yoga to help ease your bones into regular motion. You never knew how much you actually used your ribs until you weren't able to use them.

But now it was finally time to stretch your bone, meaning risking it hurting. You shook that though from your brain and pushed yourself up into the pose. You felt a slight pain ripple through you chest but it was kind of good. It was fast and once it was gone the stretching felt good. It was kind of like when one of your limbs falls asleep and you have pins and needles, but once the pins and needles are gone you can use your limb again. 

After holding the pose for a few moments you lowered yourself back to the ground. Once you were flat against the floor of the training room, a zip of wind rushed inside the room. Tommy dropped to the ground into a pushup position right above you.

"Hey, cutie." He cooed before lowering himself to the ground. He was behind your head but his face was just above yours so that every time he went into a pushup his lips would land on yours. You smiled at his contact. "What is this for?" You asked once he finished his second pushup.

Your boyfriend shrugged. "Just getting my workout in." He answered in between kisses. "You know, this is almost like the Spiderman kiss." You commented, gazing into his green eyes. "What?" Tommy asked, staying in plank position for an extra second. 

"Never mind." You replied, carefully standing up. Tommy followed your move and pulled you into a hug. "How did your stretches go?" He asked, resting his head on top of yours. "Fine but I've only done one. I have a few more to do and then I can get ready for our date."

Tommy frowned as you pulled away. "But I want to go now." You rolled your eyes as you laid back down on your Yoga matt. "You need a shower anyways, you stink." You said as you gestured to his sweat stained work out clothes. 

"Makes sense, Teddy said I couldn't run on water so I had to prove him wrong. Once I did that Will dared me to run on water to the mainland and then back. I did it but in the process I sweat and got soaked in salt water and then baked in the sun for an hour and a half." You nodded your head as you went into your second pose. "That would do it." 

"Okay well I'll shower and then find something to do while you finish your stretches, don't hurt yourself!" He said before zipping out the door. "I won't." You called after him, smile glued to your lips. 


You were on Tommy's back, both in regular clothes as he zipped you around the city. Before you could process he had set you down on the top of a building and you were puking your guts out of the edge. You boyfriend held your hair and rubbed you back while you finished emptying your stomach into a dumpster on far down on the ground. "There there."

You wiped you mouth and took his hand as you stood up. "I will never get used to that." Tommy chuckled before rushing to get the things for your date. He set up a candle lit dinner with fairy lights all around as the sun set in the background. 

If you didn't have the lingering taste of vomit, your heart would be melting at the sight of how beautiful it all was. "Tom, this is- this is incredible." You whispered, leaning into your boyfriends chest. He planted a kiss on your forehead before showing you over to the table. 

He pulled out your chair for you like a gentleman and you smiled up at him. He zipped into the seat across from you and began dividing up your food. "OoOoOoOo, what are we eating?" 

"Well we have gourmet sandwiches from Delmar's because I know you love that place so much. For whatever reason..." He mumbled the last part as he handed you your sandwich. "It's got a place in my heart because that was Peter Parkers favorite place to eat." You explained before digging into your sandwich.

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