5. Restless

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You tossed and turned hopelessly in your hotel bed, wasting the night away. You flipped flat onto your back and plunged your hands into your tangled hair. Your lips pressed together angrily and you felt your left eye start to twitch. After having enough you flew into an upright position, throwing the covers off your legs. 

You fumbled with your silk pajamas before you finally got them on the floor. Tip toeing over to your backpack, you shoved your pajamas inside of it and pulled out a fresh outfit. You pulled the tight jeans up your long/short legs before buttoning them. Next you slid your red flannel over your arms and did your best to button that up, although you missed the button at the bottom. 

Once you were dressed you closed your backpack and slung it over your right shoulder. You quietly made your way out of the hotel and before you knew it, you were on the dark sidewalk of New York. You tried your best to tuck your head into the neck of your flannel but you could only do so much against the breeze. 

Your E/C eyes scanned the buildings around you until you spotted a Chick-Fil-A across the street. You looked both ways before dashing across the road, thankfully there weren't nearly as many cars as there were during the day. Once you reached the other side of the road you gently pushed the glass door open. 

There was no one in the small room except for you and the man behind the counter. He was a middle aged man who looked bored out of his mind. You walked past the chairs and table until you landed at the counter with a smile. 

"Just a burger and fries please." You asked, beginning to search for your wallet in your backpack. The man nodded before turning around to serve up the food. You pulled out the price that was written on the menu above and placed it on the counter. The man slid your plate across the counter and popped open the cash register. 

He put the 20 inside one of the tins and pulled out the perfect amount of change. "Here you go, enjoy your meal." He muttered mindlessly. You nodded, grabbed your food, and placed the change in the tip jar. 

You took a seat at one of the tables and ignored how loud it sounded when the legs of your chair scratched the tiles below you. Instead you let your backpack slide off your right arm and decided to focus on the taste of the fry in your mouth. 

It wasn't too long before you had successfully eaten all of your food. When you got up you were sure to grab your bag and push your chair back to where it was. On your way out the door you dropped our trash in the garbage can. 

When you stepped back outside, you felt the cold air instantly bite your cheeks. A hot breath escaped your chapped lips as you took a moment to gaze at the moon in the sky. After much mental debate, you finally had a firm decision in your head. 



The crashing of the distance waves played soothingly in your ears. You continued your stroll down the beach with the sand crunching under your shoes and the stars twinkling in your eyes. You let your E/C eyes drift from the night sky to the dock in the distance. Even from afar, you could tell that the wood was starting to rock and it wasn't the most sturdy piece of construction.

Nonetheless you made your way across the beach until you reached the dock. The wind spiraled around you and the waves growled under the wood that was beneath your feet. You narrowed your eyes and ignored all the things swimming through your brain. 

When you reached the very end of the dock, you pulled your backpack off your shoulder. Once it was open you pulled out the watch and strapped it to your wrist. Next you pulled out your phone and a plastic bag, after the device was in the plastic bag you placed it in your back pocket. Finally you grabbed the key you found in your grandfather's desk and placed it in the pocket of your shirt. 

Then you grabbed onto the railing with both hands, taking a deep breath, you swung your legs over so that you were standing on the outside of the railing. 

The wind started to blow harder, pulling at your finger tips and threatening to throw you into the black sea. Your H/C hair whipped at your face and fell to the mercy of the wind. No matter what you did, you couldn't ignore the pounding in your chest nor the crashing of the waves below. 

You swallowed your fear and hoped for the best. Letting go of the railing, your feet left the edge of the wood and you pulled your legs into yourself. Closing your eyes, you felt the world around you grow even more cold and dark. 

The thick black water swallowed you up gratefully and created a large splash where you once stood. You resisted the urge to swim out of the freezing water and let yourself sink. After shaking your head a few times to get the water flowing freely through your hair, you began to swim towards the floor. 

The thick water pushed against your body as you clawed your way down to the floor. Your forced your eyes open even though you had no hope of ever seeing through the thick liquid. To your surprise, your hands came into contact was cold sand. You froze mid swim and let your body float in it's suspended position. 

You put both hands on the ocean floor and began to panic when you only found sand and rocks. The silence of the ocean echoed in your ears and your lungs grew on fire when you realized it wasn't here. You moved your arms around as you swam to other areas, thinking you missed it, but still found nothing. 

It was just a regular ocean. 

You felt like crying but even if you did you wouldn't be able to feel it. Your spine arched in a way so that your legs were practically falling onto your head. Everything in you was screaming to go back to the surface but what then? The waves were far too strong to swim against and you would never make it in time. 

Because of your fantasy, you were doomed to drown. You swam up slightly so that you had room to turn onto your back before letting your body fall to the ocean floor. Further and further you slipped through the water, giving in to the mercy of the ocean. Your eyes closed and pushed your head back into what you thought was sand. 

However your eyes flew open when your head breached the surface. Your hair was hanging from your head and water was dripping from your neck down your face. Your E/C eyes looked down but from where you were swimming it almost seemed up and saw the floor of a cave. 

You used all of your energy to claw your way out of the black sea and fell on the floor of the cave. You wiped the hair out of your eyes and coughed up some of the water that had snuck into your lungs. Once you had caught your breath you pulled your phone out of your back pocket and clicked on it through the plastic bag. 

Thankfully it was still functional. 

You placed it back inside your back pocket and rose to your feet. Looking around the dark cave, you were thankful for the algae that was glowing on the ceiling. Once you found the tunnel you didn't waste a moment before sprinting down it. 

You slid to a stop when you arrived in an open room with two metal doors at the very end. Although there was a line of newspapers and magazines on both sides of the room. One full of Marvel news and the other full of DC. 

You let out an amazed scoff when you realized Batman and Superman were the people behind the left door. Although the though was quickly overpowered by the realization of everything in the Marvel universe now resting in your fingertips. 

You quickly rushed over to the right door and yanked it open, allowing yourself to be overtaken by a bright white light...

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