12. Mission

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You snuggled further into your warm sea of blankets and let out a small hum. The white sheets tangled you in a blissful sensation of comfort as you enjoyed every last minute of sleep you could get. Unfortunately it had to be ruined by a blaring alarm. 

Several groans were heard from the rooms around you. "Really?!" Kate's voice growled, following the slamming of a door. "It's our day off." You heard Teddy mumble, the walls were surprisingly thin.

You reluctantly opened your eyes and left your nest of comfort. You ran a hand through your slightly tangled H/C hair before opening your door. "What does that mean and how do I make it stop?" You asked groggily, pointing to the ceiling. 

Tommy and Will both came out of their rooms from across the hall. Tommy was dressed in grey sweat pants that hung very loosely around his hips but no fabric was on his muscular chest. His silver hair was tousled in a messy fashion and your jaw nearly fell to the floor at the sight of him. 

Fortunately you were able to stop drooling when you saw his brother, Will. Will was fully clothed in a black shirt and what looked like black leggings. He had bags under his eyes and was still wearing his cape.

"Do-do you just wear that constantly. Like, you never take it off?" You asked, pointing your lazy finger at him. He nodded. "Even in the bathroom?"

"I like a challenge." He said with a shrug. Before you could throw up in your mouth, Carol's voice filled the speakers in the walls. "That is the crime alarm. Suit up Avengers, it's your time to shine!"

The eyes around you nearly bulged out of their sockets. "Finally!" Kate yelled before sprinting down the hall. "We haven't gone on a mission in like, months!!!" America squealed before flying down the hall in the direction Kate had taken.

"Race you to the ?" Tommy said evilly before vanishing in a silver blur. Will rolled his eyes before creating a portal to travel through. "You coming?" He asked, gesturing to you.

You awkwardly made your way over there before traveling through his magic circle. "Thank you, I would have never been abler to find this place, it's way too early to use my brain." You joked. You then turned your head to see Tommy zipping to a stop with both girls and Teddy hot on his tail. 

Once everyone arrived they each found their display case and grabbed their suit. You were in awe of the room fully loaded with weapons floor to ceiling. There were about 10 glass spheres in the room, each holding their own super suit. 

 "Wait, I don't have a suit." You said with a frown. "Yeah you do, Carol had one made for you a few days ago." America informed, taking her suit off the mannequin rather harshly.

You looked around the dim room in search of a suit that might be yours. You had seen the team in their suits the first day you arrived so you crossed those off the list. There were a few more mannequins inside glass tubes for you to check.

The first one you saw was a black catsuit with red outlines on the gloves, waist, and chest.  Black tinted glass wings with the red veins sprouted elegantly from her back and a matching mask was held up by a small silver stick. "Is this my suit?" You asked, wondering why it look like a bug woman.

"No, that was Cassie's." Teddy answered, stepping out of his dressing room. Your mouth fell into the shape of an 'O' when you saw sadness lingering in his eyes.

"I'm assuming it's not that one." You said, pointing to the glass tube across from it. Inside of the tube was a blue suit with a red top, gold highlights, and a golden star on the chest.

"Correct, that is the Captain's suit." Will started, pulling his black gloves up his wrist. He was wearing a grey shirt that resembled something from Under Armour, grey pants with black on the outside, and of course his beloved cape.

He gently placed his hands on your shoulders and moved you to the very last suit in the row of tubes. "This is your suit." You let out a gasp and couldn't hide your smile when you took it in.

It was a Y/F/C base with black armour pads placed on your elbows, knees, knuckles, forearms, chest, and matching metal boots. "That's so cool!! Now I have my own super hero suit like you guys!" You exclaimed, totally geeking out!

"I'm glad you like it." Will said softly, hands sliding down your arms. You smiled up at him before removing his hands. "I'm going to go put this on, you guys should go ahead just in case it takes me a while. I can catch up."

Will shook his head. "Don't worry about it, the Captain had me put a spell on this room. Time is frozen in here so we can take however long we want and when we walk out it will be the exact same moment that we walked in."

You nodded your head, feeling impressed. "Did you just so happen to put the same spell on my watch? I swear, it never moves." You asked, holding up the watch that used to be your grandfather's.

"If I remember correctly, that's what time it is back on your side of the world. Times moves a LOT faster here. Your grandfather had that made so he could keep track of how long he was gone." Will explained.

You looked down at the watch and your eyes nearly shot out of your head. You had been there for over a month but only a few hours had passed back in your time. "Well... You learn something new everyday!"


The jet slowly landed on top of the building nearest to the crime before camouflaging itself. "Everyone know their orders?" Kate asked, loading the last arrow into the pack on her back.

"Find the bad guys, stop the bad guys, and pose for the cameras in victory." Tommy said, flexing his muscles at the end of his sentence. America shook her head before speaking.

"Tommy, you secure the perimeter and make sure no one within 50 feet of the building stays there. Will is going to untangle the hostages, and Teddy is going to morph into one of the goons and go under cover just in case something goes wrong. Kate and I will take care of the 'bad guys'."

The team nodded in agreement before exiting out the backdrop. Kate hopped off the side, Tommy super jumped to the next building and the rest of them flew away.

"Wait what do I do?!" You yelled, stepping off the backdrop and onto the roof of the building. Tommy suddenly zipped back up onto the roof. "Stay!" He instructed as if you were a dog.

"But I-"




"B-" This time Tommy zipped you back into the jet and buckled you in tightly. "Stay!" He said, intensely looking into your eyes.

Before you could protest any more he was off in a blur. You frowned and removed the buckle from your waist. "Yeah right, like I'm going to just sit here. I'm a hero too!" You mumbled to yourself.

Once you were back on the rooftop you looked at the bank across the street. It was hard to see because of the glare on the glass windows but you could see that they were kicking butt over there.

You leaned over the edge and looked at the sidewalk far below you. "That's a big fall." You looked around for any way down.

Your eyes landed on a metal door flat against the top of the roof. You quickly rushed over to it and yanked it open. Some kind of blizzard gravity pulled you inside and a blinding white light clouded your vision.

When you were able to open your eyes you saw that you were back in that cave. You looked around to see the newspapers still scattered on the floor. In confusion you looked back at the two metal doors before rushing to the one on the right hand side.

You tried to turn the handle so that you could return to the world but it wouldn't budge.

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