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Kim Namjoon sighed as he carried his trophy and his blue worn out denim backpack over his shoulder as he jogged up the stairs towards their apartment. He just got home from a quiz bee competition. He knew he just had to join so that he could earn some money to pay off the debts of his parents. Being an only child Namjoon knew that his parents struggled to keep food on the table, so he wanted to help in ways he knew he was good at. He tried to apply for some jobs but each time he does so it was either he didn't look quite pleasing in theirs eyes or he was just too clumsy.

He sighed and put a smile on his face as he went to open the door, but his smile vanished when he saw a note on the door. He took the note and his eyebrows knitted together as he read it. He gasped as he let his bag fall off his shoulder. They were kicked out of their only place called home. In the verge of panic he grabbed the other white note seeing it was his father's penmanship.

'Namjoon... We're so sorry for leaving you behind but your mother and I had to. You see we can't easily pay off the debt we owed from Mr. Park. If you're reading this now then we have left hours ago. We know that you'll be able to handle yourself well without us. We're so sorry son... Please forgive us but... I believe his men is on their way to this apartment. Again.. We're truly sorry....'

Namjoon huffed and let a tear slide down across his cheek. He shook his head in disbelief. His parents weren't even that supportive of him for college. The only reason why he was able to attend was because he earned a scholarship. If they even truly cared then he wouldn't have to come home to messy place called home that was filled with empty beer bottles and scattered heroine on the floor. Or that his father wouldn't just use him as a punching bag when he wants to. Or that his mom wouldn't let him sleep outside when she had her partners over when his dad wasn't around.

He crouched down as he sobbed letting his trophy go letting it fall to his side. He was so engrossed with his thoughts that he didn't hear someone crept up behind him to cover his mouth with a handkerchief filled with chloroform. He hiccupped and weakly held on to the man's arm as he didn't even bother struggling since he had no energy to.

He watched as men clothed in black from head to toe grab his bag as well as the letter that his parents left him with hooded eyes. He gripped his trophy with weak hands as he drifted off into nothingness.... Soon he was unconscious.

- - - - - - -

Namjoon groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He was greeted by a fabric that was covering the light before him. He squinted his eyes and gathered his thoughts remembering how he got here in the first place. He sighed as his lips touch the fabric. He tried to wiggle his fingers and wince when he noticed that he was bound to a chair with his hands behind his back. He tried to move his feet but apparently they're tied to each foot of the chair.

"Boss" A man said. He listened closely. He heard soft clicking of shoes towards him. Namjoon's breathe hitched when he felt the man settle in between his legs. He squirmed uncomfortably in his seat at the presence before him. He felt power radiating off of the man. He shivered at the cold atmosphere and the dreading silence. He heard footsteps leaving the room shutting the door as quietly as possible.

Beads of sweat began to drip from the side of his temple. He sighed for a short relief when the man walked away slowly only to circle him. The footsteps stopped behind him. He let out a shaky breathe as he waited for the man's next move. He gasped when the black bag was harshly removed. He winced at the blinding light that hovered above them as his eyes adjusted in the somewhat dark room. When he was about to turn his head to see the man the other yanked him by the hair and made him look straight. He obeyed silently as he prayed the man to not kill him.

Namjoon's privilege of having a sense of sight was again taken away from him when he was blindfolded a smooth silky fabric in which he guessed it was the man's tie. He whimpered pathetically when it was tied around his head tightly. The man chuckled at the sight and leaned down to whisper in Namjoon's ear.

"let's have some fun."

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now