chapter fifty five ♡

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lillian ♡


it's been a month since the hospital where the truth came out.. all of it.

my dad tried to kill himself and we haven't talked about that yet..

he's still recording, he can't really walk that well yet but he's doing okay.

and he got marissa into his custody during all this so she lives with him now and i go and see them all the time.

me and jack are still happy as ever of course. actually, i'm getting ready for our date right now since the last one i couldn't make it to.

i was finally ready so i walked downstairs and jack was sitting there but he didn't have a smile on his face.

"what's wrong?" i asked him.

"oh.. nothing. are you ready?"

"jack." i said and sat down. "i was happy, but now you're lying to me"

"it's nothing, i promise" he said.

"are you going on tour? is that what this is?" i asked nervous that that was what this is.

"no, no, nothing like that" he said.

"then what is it? because i'm not going anywhere until i know. cause it's gonna bother me and i want us to have a good time tonight" i said.

"are you like still in love with sammy?" he asked.

i almost bursted out laughing, but i didn't.

but i did.

"what? wait, what's funny?" he asked, a smile creeping onto his face

"that you thought i was in love with him in the first place" i said, calming myself down.

"you weren't in love with him?"

"no, i don't think i could be in love with someone that didn't have the name jack" i said

"what about jack j?"

"you know what i mean" i said and playfully pushed him.

"i'm sorry, it's just.. he's here visiting and i don't know. it was stupid" he said.

"it's okay, i think we should go enjoy, we could use it" i said.

"yeah, we really could. let's go"

and with that, we got into his car and he drove us to a nice restraunt.

we sat down across from each other.

"we should move to new york" i said.

"what?" he said. "we?"

"well, i could go by myself" i said.

"no, no, no, you're not going anywhere without me" he said

"yeah, that's what i thought."

"why do you wanna go to new york?"

"a fresh start? i don't know, i just feel like so much has happened here in nebraska, definetly california and i think i just need a clean start.. you know away from all that. start over. i don't wanna start over with you, i wanna start something new and incredible with you." i said with a smile.

"new york. it would be a great place to raise our kids" he smiled and i did too.. just at that thought.

kids, something i always dreamed of. ecspecially with jack.

"you think we'll have kids?"

"i know we will. And i can't wait"

i smiled. "i love you"

"you have no idea" he chuckled.

we ordered our food.

"hey mar." i smiled sitting across from marissa at taco bell.

it was just us two.

"hi" she smiled excitedly. i wonder what about.

"why are you so happy?"

her smile faded. "definetly not"

"anyways, so when are you planning on marrying that boyfriend of yours?"

"oh, i don't thi-"

"don't you dare tell me, you don't think you'll last.. that's crazy talk. you guys are like the perfect couple. i can't wait for the wedding"

"oh god, he will probably never propose to me again" i sighed.

"again?!" she said.

"yeah, it was before he left for that two year tour, it was an insane thing." i spoke.

"don't doubt him."

"so how's your love life?"

"that is such an adult thing to say"

"well you know what i mean.. are there any cute boys?" i asked

"there is this one kid, his name is josh pea.. he's so sweet" she smiled.

pea? as in jacob pea? whattt???

"do you have a picture?"

oh yeah, i forgot, jacob has a younger brother.

i met him when he was only a baby.

"wow. he's a keeper"

"i don't think he likes me.. you know how high school is" she shrugged.

"i sure do. it was terrible for me" i said.

"why? what happened?"

"it's school.. you know and all my bestfriends were internet famous so you know people talk" i shrugged.

"right, well i mean you're internet famous too"

"right, yeah i am. not as much as them"

"your voice is gorgeous." she complimented.

"oh you watched?" i smiled.

"yeah, the video with you and brown haired kid, the baking video, that was cute." she said.

"i forgot to delete that" i said.

"why would you delete that? i thought you were friends."

"that one is sammy." i sighed.

she knew about him.

"oh, god, i'm sorry, i'm such an idiot"

"it's cool. don't worry about it"

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