Tape 3, Side A > Courtney

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"Boys are assholes. Some are assholes all of the time, while all are assholes some of the time... it's just how boys are. Well, maybe not all boys. Mostly boys are assholes. But girls... girls can be evil."

"Courtney Crimsen. What a pretty name. And what a pretty girl. With her perfect family, coffee every morning. And you're also very nice Courtney, you know everyone says so. You're nice to everyone... all the time. You're one of the most popular girls in school... you're just... so nice... right? Wrong."

Winter Formal. I've been dreading for a while. No date, so no go.

Jeff on the other hand... He'll definitely be going and it shouldn't be hard for him to find a date.

"Jade!" I hear my name called out.

"Hey Sheri. What's up?"

"Are you going to the Winter Formal?" I shake my head.

"No date."

"What? There should be guys lined out the door to be your date." She gasps. "What about Jeff?"

"What about Jeff?"

"You two would be perfect together."

"Not a chance we're just friends."

"Yeah. That's what they all say. We're not blind Jade. We all see how you two act around each other. It's cute."

"He won't ask me."

"Then you ask him. You are a strong, independent, beautiful black woman. Ask him." the bell rings. "I gotta run. I better see you at that dance."

"I hoped we could be friends Courtney. Because I needed a friend. I think you did too. But you had secrets that needed to be kept... even from yourself."

"For days after Tyler's picture went around, I tried to catch your eye. You ignored me for weeks. But I decided enough was enough. I wanted to talk to you. We were in this together... weren't we?"

I see Jeff at the end of fourth period, leaning against his locker.

"There's my girl." He says hugging me. "You look like you have something on your mind."

"You can tell?" I raise an eyebrow.

"We've known each other too long for me not to notice. What's up?" Ok here goes nothing.

"I was uh wondering if you'd um like to go to the Winter Formal... with me."

"Oh shit. Um..."

"What? Are you not going?"

"No I am, it's just Leah. She uh asked me this morning and I said yes."


"Yeah. I wasn't sure if you were going. I'm sorry Jay."

"No it's fine. Um. Have fun." I quickly leave him. I want to cry but I hold it in until I get to the bathroom. I quickly go inside the stall and shut the door.

"Fuck me." I whisper. That's what I get for being forward. I get shut down. I'm such an idiot. Why would I think he would go with me to the dance?


Jade's POV:

I'm pacing back and forth in my bedroom in front of my open closet.

Should I go? Or just stay home? Do you really want to see Jeff and Leah dancing together? Bodies pressed up against each other during the slow songs?

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