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Jade Adams

Zach pulls into the parking lot, gets out and opens my door for me.

"Thank you sir." He puts his hand out and I take it and get out of the car. He takes my hand and locks it with his.

"You know..." I begin. "People are staring." I say as we walk into the building.

"Ah let them stare. They can look but they can't touch."

He pulls me close and presses a kiss to my head

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He pulls me close and presses a kiss to my head. "Did you buy your costume for the contest?"

"I may have something planned... but I'm not in the contest."

"Why not?"

"I'm a sore loser."

"I'll keep that in mind." We go to my locker and I grab my Spanish book.

"What do we have here?" Bryce comes over with Monty and Jamie. "New couple alert?"

"Maybe." I say with a smirk. Zach kisses my hand.

"Yes. New couple alert." He says proudly. The bell rings.

"Well congrats guys. Really." Bryce pats Zach on the back and the three leave.

"Walk you to class?" Zach offers.

"I would love that." I shut my locker and we walk to my class together. "Thanks. Now go, I don't want you to be late."

"I just want you to be safe. It's dangerous in these hallways." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. I'll see you after?"

"I'll be waiting."

"Inside Miss. Adams." My teacher says in the doorway. I sigh and we kiss and I go in the classroom.

I sit down and run my mind through what just happened.

Don't get attached. Don't get attached.


Zach, Alex, Monty, Justin and I are outside Blue Spot while we wait for Bryce to go in and get some drinks.

I usually buy my cigarettes here because this is where Deran gets his alcohol.

Bryce comes back out with a large bag and takes the drinks out. I grab one of the cans.

"Jade." He tosses me a pack of cigs while I sit on the hood of his car.

"Thanks Bryce." I open it and pull one out.

"Feeding into my girlfriend's habit. Thanks Bryce." Zach says as I light it.

"It's either this or chocolate." I say. "Cigs don't make me break out if I smoke too many." I blow out smoke.

"There he is!" Justin yells. "Hey Jensen, come drink with us buddy."

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