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I'm cleaning out my locker the next day and getting ready to return all of my books. I see Ani walking towards me.

"Ani." I say grabbing her attention.

"Hey Jade." She smiles. "Congrats on your early graduation. Must have been hard work."

"It wasn't easy but I did it. I think there's a congrats in order for you too." She furrows her eyebrows. "Making it this far into your first year here. I know that couldn't have been easy. So congrats." I put out my hand and we shake. But before she can take her hand away, I yank her arm so we're closer. "I know Monty didn't kill Bryce." I say in her ear and I feel her tense up. "I know it was Alex and Jess that let him drown."

"How do you--"

"And I know that it was your idea to pin it on Monty so the rest of you can stay clean. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I chuckle and let go of her hand.

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways."

"Was it Zach?" I laugh

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"Was it Zach?" I laugh.

"Zach and I are way over. Why on Earth would he talk to me about this of all things?"

"Desperate people do stupid things."

"You would know all about that wouldn't you?"

"Then who told you?"

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you can trust that I won't say anything."

"I can trust you?"

"Yes you can. Because I could have said something but I didn't."

"Well why didn't you?"

"Because that would loop me back in. And I am done with Liberty High and all its bullshit and all its secrets. I'm thinking of this as a parting gift. But I gotta say, for a new girl, you really are bold."

"Thank you."

"But I feel sorry for you. You seem like a nice girl. Besides your lying, conniving nature, you seem like a nice girl. Around here, ignorance is so much better than having these secrets and things in your head and in your heart. There are things I wish I didn't know... but I know them and it doesn't make me a better person for it."

"I'm sure I can handle it."

"Oh I'm sure you can. But just know, karma is a big bitch with a BDSM fetish and she's going to fuck the shit out of all of you. It was nice meeting you. Enjoy the rest of your time here. Try not to die. Or end up in jail." I shut my locker and leave her.

I put up the best effort that Zach wasn't the one who told me. If she wants to believe that, good. If not, Zach can fend for himself. He's a big boy. It's not my problem anymore.


Yet another visit to the cemetery but this one isn't so much as a social visit. It took some time but I finally got someone to tell me where Monty's plot is.

Honestly I don't even know why I'm here. I should be at home getting ready for the big move. But I feel a need to be here. Like it's the right thing to do because no one else will be here. I'm surprised he even has a plot for me to stand at.

"Look Monty you piece of shit. And yes I am calling you a piece of shit because that's what you are and you know it. I'm not excusing what you did to Tyler. You deserved to go to jail for that. But being blamed for Bryce's death... that wasn't right and I am sorry they did that to you. And I hope they pay. I know that you'll never be able to truly rest because you never saw this coming, but I hope that you can rest a little knowing that there is one person in your corner." I sigh. "Goodbye Monty."


"Now calling for flight JetBlue flight 2214 to JFK." The lady says over the intercom. "If you're sitting in rows 6-9, we're ready for you to board."

"Alright." Deran says. "That's you." Lauren hugs me.

"I know it wasn't long, but I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Take care of him."

"I'll try." I look at him with tears welling in my eyes.

"You know you don't have to go just yet. You could wait another week."


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"Deran..." Lauren says. "She has to go. You both know that."

"I—I know. It's just... I was there for like... everything." I nod.

"Yeah. You were." I say.

"It's gonna be hard without you around the house. Your mom would be proud. Not the fact that you're growing up way too fast but the fact that you've done so much in so little time." I nod again, unable to form words.

"Last call for rows 6-9."

"I gotta go now." I say.

"Yeah. I know." I hug Deran as if my life depended on it.

"I love you dad." He sighs deeply and kisses my head.

"I love you too baby girl." We pull away and I grab my bags. "Call us when you land."

"I will." I get in line and hand the lady my ticket so she can scan it. I look back at them one last time and board the plane. After I put my overhead bags on top, I sit down and take a deep breath.

This is it. The beginning.



I look around my finished apartment and take a deep sigh in content. There's a knock on my door and I walk over. I look through the peephole and smile before opening it to reveal Daniel on the other side.

"Hi." I say.


"You're my first visitor to my finished apartment."

"Am I? Oh what shall I do with such a great honor." I smile. "I brought you something." He pulls a small cactus from behind his back.

"You didn't." I laugh.

"Yes I did."

"Where did you find it?"

"This is New York. You can find anything here."

"Well come in. You can find someplace to put it." I step aside and he walks in. I chuckle to myself and shut the door.


And that's it. Thank you all so much for reading Jade's journey! I closed out her story the best way I could and I hope it was good.

To season four of 13 Reasons Why... good luck.

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