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"So you got a place?" Mr. Green says. I nod happily.

"Now I can get the New York resident discount on my tuition. Trying to save money anyway I can."

"And I've been hearing good things about your summer classes here. How's the class at the community college?"

"Fun. I like it a lot. And I have a cute neighbor." Mr. Green groans and rolls his eyes. "What?"

"You're telling me you bought an apartment based off of your 'cute' neighbor?"

"No!" I say defensively.

"It was a good price and a great location

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"It was a good price and a great location. The views from the windows were great and the apartment itself was beautiful.
And having a cute neighbor is just a... bonus."

"Uh huh. Sure."

"Believe me or not. The point is I have someplace to live and I've already started packing."

"You seem very anxious to get out of here."

"I really am. Now that my school and my housing is squared away, I'm excited."

"And how's Deran handling it?"

"He acts like the big man, like he's completely fine with it, but Lauren told me that he's sad that I'm leaving."

"Does it make you want to stay?"

"Part of me does. But the other part is glad that Lauren's here for him. To keep him company."

"And what about a job over there?"

"I'm trying to see if I can get a job at Mood. It's a famous fabric store." Mr. Green leans back in his chair.

"It seems like you got it all together."

"I'm trying."


"So tell me about this guy." I say to May in Rosie's Diner. She blushes.

"His name is Tommy." I smile.

"What's he like?"

"He's really nice and we like the same things. He's kind of a nerd like me. And his smile is just the cutest thing. And--and he has dimples." She sighs.

"You really like this guy?" She nods.

"It's like, every time I see him, I get butterflies."

"Have you talked to him?"

"Once in a while. Nothing crazy. I'm gonna try and sit with him at lunch."

"That's a good step. Nothing too crazy. But just in case he's looking, pretend that you're looking around for a seat but you can't possibly find one so the only possible seat you can sit in is near him. Just so you don't look too obvious."

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