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Zach Dempsey

The team and I stand on the field looking at 'Rapists' burned into the grass.

"Maybe it was one of those bitch moms that follows Hannah's mom around?" Monty asks

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"Maybe it was one of those bitch moms that follows Hannah's mom around?" Monty asks. "The one with all the signs." Coach jogs over to us.

"This will all be cleaned up by game time. Now we have to get our heads in the game guys. We cannot let all of this get to us. We have to show these people who we really are."

"Who are we exactly?" I ask

"Apparently we're the rapists." Scott answers.

"I don't want to hear that." Coach says. "The Championship tournament starts tonight. Tonight, we prove them wrong." I narrow my eyes.

"How does winning a baseball game prove that we're not rapists...?" I ask.

"You got something to say Dempsey?" Bryce turns towards me.

"Nope. Why? Do you have something to say?"

"I'll save it for court tomorrow."

"Alright enough." Coach says. "Ten minutes of long toes." We all run out to the field.

Part of me is excited to see what will happen in court with Bryce, but the other part is dreading it because I know who Bryce is.


Jade Adams

I wasn't going to go the game but I didn't have anything better to do.

By the time I get there, the stands are already full. I look over and see Chloë sitting with Bryce's mom. I duck behind the bleachers so she won't see me and call me over. It's not that I don't want to be with Chloë, it's just with this whole Bryce thing going on, it wouldn't be best to be seen with her and his mom.

The game literally just started and Zach and Bryce have butted heads on the field twice. I really wish I could read lips to see what they're saying...

Zach takes off his gear and storms off the field.

To follow, or not follow?


I sigh. Fuck it. I follow Zach and see him coming out of The Clubhouse.

"Hey." I say, slightly startling him with me standing there.

"Hey." He says back.

"Are... are you ok?"

"I told Clay. About the pictures. I gave him a box and told him it was me."


"Because he needed to know. Look I gotta go. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Later." He storms off.

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