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Zach Dempsey

"Thanks again for the ride Zach." Jade says when I pull up in the school parking lot after a few days. I picked her up one time and now it's like a regular thing.

"It's no problem. Walking these streets alone is dangerous."

"You think I can't protect myself?" She raises her eyebrow.

"N—No I uh..."

"I'm kidding Zach." She laughs. "Lighten up." We get out of the car. Alright I'm going for this. It's now or never.

"Jade I know it hasn't been long but I was um... I was wondering if you'd—"

"Before I grow grey hair Dempsey." I take a deep breath.

"Would you like to get dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"Sure. I'd like that."

"Really?" I nod. "Ok um Rosie's Diner? I'll pick you up."

"Sounds good to me."


Jade Adams

Marcus, Zach and I get into Zach's car after school to go to Bryce's.

I know what Bryce did to Hannah. I can never forget, but I have to play the part and that means dealing with Bryce.

Zach slows down the car in front of Clay at the bike racks.

"Hey Clay." Marcus calls out. "What's up man?"

"Hey Marcus. Zach. Hi Jade."

"Hey Clay." I say with a smile.

"Need a ride?" Zach asks.

"Where ya headed?" Marcus throws in.

"I'm good. I uh have my bike." Clay answers.

"Throw it in the trunk." Zach says.

"Yeah Clay, there's plenty of room." I say.

"We're going to Bryce's." Zach explains. "You should totally come." 

Tony pulls up in front of us

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Tony pulls up in front of us.

"You good Clay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"You heard him boys." He says to the two in the front. "He's alright."

"Let's go Zach." I say. Zach winks at Clay, puts the car in reverse, then in drive to leave. Zach parks the car at Bryce's and we get out and go up the steps.

"Hey guys." Bryce greets. "Hey Jade."

"Hi Bryce." He places a friendly kiss on my cheek and we go inside.

"The official word is that he's not here." Bryce says.

"Well Coach is looking for him now." Zach says. "He's fucking pissed that he missed the assembly."

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