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Jade Adams

"I just lied to the cops." Zach says from the front seat of his car.

"Well what were you gonna do? We have to protect Tyler any way that we can."

"But lying to the cops... that's serious."

"I know." Zach pulls up in front of my house and parks the car.

"But besides all of that," Zach begins. "I am glad that we're back together." He takes my hand and kisses it.

"Me too. I've really missed you. And what we did in the Coach's office... really hot." Zach smiles brightly.

"I love you." He says, causing me to smile.

"I love you too." We kiss.

"Wanna hang out tomorrow?" I nod.

"I would love to." I get out of the car and go in the house.

"Hey." Deran says. "How was the dance?"

"Good." I beam. "Zach and I are back together."

"Really?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Deran... don't be skeptical." Deran raises his hands.

"Alright. Fine. I just want you to be happy."

"Thanks D. I am. I'm happy."


Zach Dempsey

I pull up to Jade's house the next day and honk the horn. 30 seconds later, she walks out the door and bounces down the steps. She opens the door and climbs in.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"I am. We just have to stop by Monet's."

"Coffee already?"

"No. It's not that. Clay called a meeting." Jade furrows her eyebrows. "About last night." She sighs and nods.

"Alright. Let's go."


"We went over to roll his car into a parking place. We figured we could hide it with other cars." Justin explains.

"We saw that the keys were still in it... Tyler didn't plan on coming back to it." Jessica says.

"So I drove it away." Clay adds.

"Jesus Christ." Cyrus sighs. "That's balls man."

"No. It was fucking stupid." I say.

"Zach." Jade says.

"Going out there and stepping in front of a gun like that, acting like some sort of fucking hero."

"You're the one that called the cops Zach." Clay says. "I passed them on my way out. Think about the timing. If I hadn't done something those kids would be dead and you know it."

"No we don't know that. All you did was give Tyler another chance to try again. What if there's no one there to stop him next time?"

"That's why we have to make sure there isn't a next time." Clay says. I scoff.

"That's insane. He needs serious help."

"We can get him help. If we tell what he did he's expelled at the least, in jail and probably tried as an adult. He's in juvie until he's. 21 and then they send him to prison and what really happens to him then ?" Clay defends.

"This is bullshit. I'm out. I won't say anything. It's not my job to take care of a psychopath." Zach gets up. "Jade, are you coming?" She looks around at everyone at the table.

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