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Zach Dempsey

I see Alex and Jessica walking towards me and I immediately break into a smile.

"Why is Zach smiling like that?" Alex asks.

"Wait. I heard it's your birthday." I say.

He turns the corner and sees the 'Happy Birthday Alex' banner.

He turns the corner and sees the 'Happy Birthday Alex' banner

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"What? You guys got a banner?"

"It was a group project." Jessica answers. "I did the design, Clay ordered it and Zach hung it up."

"That's really nice you guys."

"Aw." Bryce and Scott walk up behind us. "Happy birthday buddy." he taps Alex on the shoulder. "Nice banner."

"Is your mom bringing cupcakes?" Scott asks.

"I hope she brings enough for the whole class." Bryce mocks.

"Maybe she'll get you a new cane this year." Scott throws in. Bryce laughs.

"And some new friends."

"Fuck you!" Alex yells out. "You fucking rapist."

"Shit like that doesn't do anybody any good." I say after they walk away.

"Well it felt good to me. Maybe if you wouldn't defend him all the time."

"When did I ever defend him?"

"Every fucking day. When you hang around him and play baseball with him. That's you choosing his side. Tell him Jess." Alex turns around.

"Why would you do that?" She asks.

"Jess... I'm sorry."

"Don't." She walks away.

"Fuck." Alex sighs.

"Wow. Look at this." Alex and I turn around to see Jade. "Nice banner."

"Thanks." Alex says nonchalantly.

"I got something for you." She goes in her bag and takes out a small gift wrapped in paper.

"You didn't have to."

"I know." She helps him open the paper and it's a bag of Sour Patch Kids. "I remembered that it's your favorite candy. It just so happens to be mine too."

"Thanks Jade." She smiles.

"No problem."

"Uh hey Jade." I pipe up.

"I'll see you later Alex." She says, completely ignoring me. She walks away.

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