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Zach Dempsey

"It isn't even a discussion man." I say in the locker room. "This is a fucking murder case."

"Why are you so heated about this?" Justin asks me. "You hated Bryce."

"But I didn't want him dead."

"You think Tyler did?" Justin asks.

"Tyler had motive."

"What about Tyler?" Monty asks, coming over to us.

"Nothing." I say.

"You guys are so obsessed with that faggot." Monty says. "I see Justin with him all the time."

"Shut up Monty." I say.

"Is it a sex thing?" He asks. "I mean what's the deal? Holy shit! Did he kill Bryce?"

"You have no idea what you're talking about so you need to shut your mouth." I say.

"He finally snapped and killed Bryce and you two are covering it up."

"Don't be a fucking idiot Monty." Justin says.

"It's either that or... Zach's fucking him. I mean it makes sense. Since Jade dumped his pathetic ass." I punch him in the face and a couple of Monty's guys jump on me and Justin.

"Hey! Hey!" Kerba says. "Break it up!" Monty and I are separated but I'm still heated. "You two get dressed and take a walk." Kerba says to Monty and I. I throw on a shirt and go into the hallway. I see Jade stuffing some things in her bag from her locker and I quickly turn away.

"Zach." She calls out. I turn back around.

"Hey." I say. She comes up to me. "What's up?"

"I looked for you the night of the game." She says. "I went to the hospital but you weren't there. They said you were already discharged."

"Yeah. They got me out of there pretty quick. And then I just... went home." I lie.

"I completely understand. How are you feeling?"

"Alright I guess. It just sucks that I can't play anymore."

"So what are you gonna do?" He shrugs.

"Not sure yet." We stand in an awkward silence. "Well I gotta get back. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Later." She smiles slightly and leaves.


Jade Adams

I dig through my bag for my keys when a squad car pulls up.

"Miss. Adams."

"Officer Diaz. To what do I owe the company?"

"Just need you to come down to the station and answer a couple of questions."


"Bryce Walker." I sigh.

"I don't know anything but sure."

"Great. Just follow me." I get in my car and the two of us go to the station and we sit down in an interrogation room. "Alright Miss. Adams, let's get started. "Did you know Bryce?"


"How well did you know him?"

"I didn't know anything about his personal life if that's what you're asking. I just hung around him because I was best friends with Jeff and I dated Zach."

"Zach Dempsey and Jeff Atkins correct?" I nod. "And are you and Zach still together?"

"I said "dated" meaning past tense."

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