Tape 3, Side B > Marcus

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"How many of you remember the Oh My Dollar Valentines?"

"How many of you remember the Oh My Dollar Valentines?"

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Oh fuck.

"Those were fun weren't they? You fill out a survey and for just a buck, you get the name and number of your soul mate. And hey, the proceeds go to a worthy cause: cheer camp."

"The Dollar Valentine was a two-parter. First describe yourself. And then, describe what you're looking for in your significant other. And, as I filled mine out, I realized I was actually describing a certain someone."

Yeah. So was I Hannah. So was I.

"You'd think that if my answers described one person, that person would appear at least in my top five. But no. I didn't match up with the one person who might have been right."

I go into my drawer, under my clothes and pull out my Dollar Valentine list.

I described him but he didn't come up first.

"Maybe it wasn't my fault. Maybe none of us can say who we truly are. Maybe we're more than what the world sees. Or less. Maybe none of us is who we seem."

Jeff's POV:

"So..." I say as Clay looks over my paper. "Complete sentences right? I even used a semi colon."

"Mad props dude. Your paragraph structure is good, you just need to do some fact checking."

"Seriously?" I ask astonished. "I literally Googled everything."

"The Founding Fathers did grow and use hemp

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"The Founding Fathers did grow and use hemp... but it wasn't exactly weed."

"There's a difference?"

"So James Madison probably wasn't a mad stoner, or at least not from the hemp." I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

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