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Jade Adams

So apparently Clay was supposed to drop the tapes off last night at Bryce's but he didn't and now everyone is freaking out. Except me. I'm not freaking. I'm just surprised that Zach told me about the tapes in the first place. And he told them that I know about the tapes on top of that. He's showing me that he really is a nice guy...

"I have no idea what Justin's going to do." Jessica says at the lunch table with me, Marcus and Zach. "He says he has to shut Clay down." I scoff.

"Ok Dramatic." I say.

"We tried that." Marcus says.

"Clay must have listened to his tape." Zach says. "I told you. He listens to his tape and everything changes."

"He didn't listen to that one." Marcus says. "He just heard Tyler's. He said nothing about Jess' party."

"But when he does he's obviously gonna believe Hannah." Jessica says. "He won't know that she's lying." Courtney rests her Hello Kitty lunchbox on the table.

"Clay's mom came to see Bolan."

"What? Why?" I ask.

"What else could it be?" She sits down.

"That's crazy." Jessica says. "Clay wouldn't tell his mom about the tapes."

"He wasn't shy about Tyler." Marcus argues.

"That would be so fucked up if he told his mom." Zach says. "I'm with Justin. We need to do something serious."

"What so your mom doesn't find out?" Jessica asks

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"What so your mom doesn't find out?" Jessica asks.

"Yeah, among others like your dad."

"What could we possibly do, if he already ratted us out?" Marcus asks. "I'm supposed to be valedictorian. I can't have this shit."

"Yes Marcus your valedictorian speech is the most important thing right now." Courtney fires back. "Keep that in mind."

"Are you talking about Clay?" Tyler comes over.

"Sit down and shut up Tyler." I snap.

"Wait you know?"

"Yes but you guys aren't worried about me. You're worried about Clay."

"Whatever you're doing, I want in."

"Oh God." I sigh. "This is turning into a witch hunt."

"We're not doing anything Tyler." Courtney says. "If we were, it's not like we could trust you."

"This isn't fair. You trust her more than me?" He points to me.

"You better watch where you point that finger if you don't want it broken." Zach threatens. "Get the hell out. Seriously."

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