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Jade Adams

Since I made the decision to graduate early, Mr. Green has been running me up the wall with everything I have to do to get all 22 credits. Right now, I'm at 18 credits because I took an extra health class instead of a free period my sophomore year.

See? You never know when stuff like that will come in handy. So now I only have 4 credits left to take and that leaves so many options. I did decide to go to summer school to take a little bit of the weight off once the year officially starts. I mean what else am I going to do? It's not like I have any friends to hang out with or a boyfriend to go to the beach with.

I leave my college algebra class and dig in my bag for my car keys and I bump into someone.

"Shit. I'm sorry."

"We really should stop meeting like this." I feel my blood run cold.

"Zach." I say. "Hi."

"Hi." He says. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm uh trying to graduate early so I'm taking some classes."

"Wow. That's uh... wow."

"Yep." Awkward silence. "I gotta go."


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"Right. Sure." I step to the right and Zach steps in front of me. "Sorry." We both step to the left. "Sorry." I sigh. He steps to the left and walks past me. I physically and mentally roll my eyes and push open the doors of the school and go outside.

"Oh come on Jeff! Don't do me like that."

"Jade. I hear you but you're wrong."

"I'm not wrong. I'm making good points. We are equally right."

"What are you two love birds bickering about?"

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"What are you two love birds bickering about?"

"Bryce! Justin! Thank God." I say. "We need your help."

"Greatest movie villain of all time." Jeff says.

"Jack Torrance." Bryce says.

"Freddy Krueger." Justin says. Jeff and I make a face.

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