Tape 5, Side B > Sheri

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After listening to her tape, I grab my keys and race over to Tony's. I frantically knock on the door and his father opens it.

"Sorry to bother you so late Mr. Padilla but is uh Tony there?"



"Some girl is here for you." He leaves the doorway and Tony comes over.

"Hey Jade. Are you ok?"

"How could she do that?! She just fucking lied!"

"You listened to Sheri's tape." He concludes.

"I've been talking to her, smiling at her all this time and she has the nerve to lie straight to my face! How could—" I hiccup. "How could she do that to him? He didn't deserve it." The tears are flowing from my eyes. "Everyone thought he was drunk but he wasn't."

"I know how much Jeff meant to you—"

"You don't. No one really does. That night, the night he died, he finally asked me the question I've been waiting for..."

Jessica's end of the summer party. Everyone is here to celebrate. I haven't spoken to Jeff but I heard he and Leah broke up like a month ago. Not that it makes any difference...


"Hello Sheri." she looks weird. "You look weird."

"That's because I've been looking all over for you." I furrow my eyebrows.


"Because Jeff is looking for you

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"Because Jeff is looking for you. He wasn't sure if you were here."

"Welp... here I am. Did he say what he wanted?"

"Only that he really needed to see you." I sigh. "Leah isn't here. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried." I was a little worried. I leave her and go looking around for him.

Jeff's POV:

I see Jade standing around in the crowd. Got her.

"Jade! Jade!" she turns around.

"I heard you were looking for me." She says. I take her hand and pull her outside. "So what's up?"

"I'm sorry. About everything. Leah... Valentines Day... everything. I don't want to lose you as my best friend."

"You can never lose me as your best friend Jeff. I just... I needed some space."

"And I needed to go after you. I shouldn't have let you go at the dance, I shouldn't have let you go at my house..."

"What are you saying Jeff?"

"I'm saying that I shouldn't have done anything with Leah because I have feelings for you. You're the one I want to be with not Leah. And I was a fucking idiot for not telling you sooner."

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