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Jade Adams

"Jade!" I turn around.

"Hello fellow Queen B. What can I do for you?"

"I need your advice. I'm meeting Bryce's parents today." My eyes widen.

"Holy shit. That's a big deal."

"I know and I have no idea what to wear."

"Wear something in moderation. You don't want to cover up too much and seem like a nun but you don't want to wear anything too short or low cut. You don't know if his dad is one of those types that has a wandering eye for their son's girlfriend." I sigh and take her hands. "And above all, be yourself. You are beautiful, smart and funny. Be yourself." She hugs me.

"Thank you." She leaves me to go to practice.

"You're such a nice person." Jeff says. I shrug.

"I try to be."

"So what's on our agenda for the rest of the day?"

"Well Zach has practice and PT with Alex so it's just you and me buddy." He smiles.

"I like the sound of that." I look at him.

"Can you eat?" I ask him.

"I don't think so. You thinking pizza parlor?"

"Boy you know me so well."


Zach Dempsey

As I'm getting ready for practice, I hear Monty and Bryce say something about Justin being back.

"Alright guys listen up." Coach says. "State guy is coming down to do screening tomorrow. If any of you have any problems with that, come see me." Coach comes up to me. "You all set for court tomorrow? Need me to come down?"

"No Coach it's all good. My uh mom and girlfriend are coming with me." Coach chuckles.

"Your girlfriend sure is fiesty one isn't she?" I chuckle.

"Yeah. She is."

"Just make sure you don't follow in her footsteps. Just tell them what they want to hear. She got lucky."

"Yeah." He pats me on the back and leaves. 'She got lucky?' I scoff. No. She's a badass and I wish I was more brave like her. I listen to Montomery freak out about Justin before he leaves and Bryce slams his locker shut.

"Hey Zach you coming?" He asks me.

"No I'm good. I don't need it brother." I answer.

"You're not going to tell on us are you?"

"You think I'm a rat?"

"No of course not. I blame it on your genes. I wish I had them man."

"You do alright." Bryce laughs.

"You flatter me."

"I got your back brother." I put my fist up and Bryce hits it with his.

"Thanks man."


"How do you know about Justin?" I ask Alex at PT.

"Jessica told me when we ditched with your car. She said Clay was the one that found him."

"You know where he's living or why he's back?"

"Zach, I really don't fucking care. Why doesn't everything have to be about Justin?"

"Dude, relax. It's not. Are you ok?"

"Jessica and I kissed yesterday."

"That's great! Or it's not great."

"She freaked out on me. And now it's just weird."

"It makes sense that she would freak out."

"I think it has to do with Justin. And the most fucked up thing, when we kissed I didn't feel anything."


"No. Down there. I was just numb. I haven't been able to feel anything since the coma." Alex confesses.

"You tried porn?"

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"You tried porn?"

"Of course I tried porn." he sighs. "I thought if I tried something with a real person, than it would change but.. clearly it didn't."

"You just gotta find the right girl. That's all. It'll happen."

"Well you did and if you can find someone like that, maybe there's hope for me yet."

"That's the spirit." I say.

"And if Jade knows anyone that's into scrawny and broken, tell her to let me know."

"Not broken forever." I assure.

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