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I cram myself between the mounds of people in the bleachers for the Homecoming game. I seem to get here just in time because Jessica and a bunch of girls run out onto the field screaming "Hey hey, ho ho rape cultures got to go."

"What the fuck?" I ask out loud. They start stripping and putting red handprints all over their bodies. "Oh hell no. It's too cold for that shit." The police show up and try to get them off of the field but of course they don't want to move.

Some kid on the other team grabs Jess' breasts and that drives Justin wild. He runs out onto the field and a fight breaks out. People in the bleachers are screaming their heads off as I look in the field to all the barbarians throwing punches and knocking each other down. I spot Zach with his back turned as Bryce takes out his knee.

"Zach!" I involuntarily cry out. I try to get to him but there are too many people in general and people trying to break up the fight and take the injured out. I finally get down to the ground and I can't see him.


"Zach Dempsey." I say to the nurse's station. "I'm looking for Zachary Dempsey." She types the name into the computer.

"I'm sorry honey but you just missed him."


"They put him in a brace and sent him home. I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's alright. Thank you."


Zach Dempsey

I get out of my car at the pier and see Bryce standing there.

"Zachy. Didn't expect to see you here. What's up my friend?"

"Fuck you." I spit at him.

"Or not, friend. You're walking pretty well. What happened to your knee?" I punch him in the face.

"What the fuck?!"

"I should fucking kill you." I seethe.

"Okay. Yeah I deserved that one."

"You're going to hell."

"I'll see you there." He smirks. I knee him twice in the gut and punch him in the face. I break his arm and he falls to the ground and I punch him again.

"Please stop." He begs.

"You ruined my fucking life. Big man. Scary fucking Bryce."

"What the fuck."

"You took away my future tonight." I say.

"You took away mine." Bryce says back.

"No you did that yourself." I start to walk away.

"Did you fuck her?" Bryce calls out. "Did you? How many times? Did she scream for you like she did me?" He laughs.

"Chloe's my friend. Sorry you never had a friend in your life."

"She didn't deserve you cause your a pussy ass bitch." I stomp on his leg, breaking it, and he screams. "Fuck you Dempsey! Pussy ass bitch!" I toss his phone into the water and leave him lying on the pier.


I pull up to Monet's to meet Chloe.

"They're closed." She says. "Wanna go to Rosie's?"

"Yeah sorry it took me a little longer to put on my brace."

"Does it hurt a lot?"

"Yeah. An awful lot."

"Oh Zachy." She hugs me and I try to forget what I just did to Bryce.


Jade Adams

I sit down in class when the intercom comes on.

"Attention students and staff. I regret to inform you that former Liberty High Student Bryce Walker has died. We offer his friends and family our sincerest condolences."



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