Chapter 10

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Ash's POV:

The world seemed to turn around on its own as I couldn't exactly comprehend what I was seeing. Calem could be the class A jerk whose face I'd love to smash, but even I didn't expect him to be tied with two of the most dangerous humans in the world, and that too under my nose, when I was SURE that J ALWAYS worked alone, with nobody by her side.

"Surprised yet, Ketchup? Dad told you to hang on to that seat of yours, didn't he?", Calem asked me smirking and I smote my fist on the floor in anger.

"You're not getting away with this, J!!", Wallace yelled from the other side and J yawned mockingly.

"Oh, yes I am! I do have something that you might be interested in!", she told him dragging out a battered Soledad, and the second Wallace got shocked seeing her, one of her grunts electrocuted Milotic causing her to collapse on the spot.

"It would take me less than a second to stick this knife into her throat, Wallace. 30 PokeDollars say I do so closing my eyes, not even having to look at her", she told him tossing her knife playfully while Wallace's legs began to shake. Seeing his lover and his favourite Pokemon in agony was too much to ask...for ANYBODY, and Wallace raised his hands in surrender shaking his head and sighing.

"Glad to know of your cooperation. If you'd please, my friends", she motioned to her grunts telling them to handcuff Wallace.

"Don't worry! The grunts have only beaten her as she put up a fight, nothing more than that. To make things homelike for you at prison, we'll let you share your cell with Soldedad. The internet is down at the prison, and the guards could use some form of entertainment when the two of you have fun", she told him but Wallace was not even in a mood to give her a reply. While she was busy taunting Wallace, I motioned Dawn to slip away with Misty, and used the same time to leave the hall through a small shortcut that was created due to an accident caused due to a well-known Charizard while sparring.

"Where are you going?", Serena whispered in my ear when we got to a rather safe spot.

"To get to my Pokemon. I have to let Mom know that I'm okay, and I think you should do the same", I told her and she nodded her head. But to my rotten luck, the route was blocked by a dozen grunts with snipers. Before I could even breathe, they could split my skull and Serena's with a single bullet.

"Come with me", Serena whispered in my ear and dragged me towards the swimming pool which reeked of chlorine.

"It's deserted, as the concentration of the chlorine is too strong", she told me covering her lower jaw with her handkerchief and I did the same thanking my lucky stars that I didn't forget to hang mine around my neck. Even though we only spent a minute or so at the pool, we got a bit dizzy due to the concentration, and we settled behind a small bush.

From the bush, I could see my Pokemon in the pasture land. They were surrounded by some transparent dome, and Meganium was smashing her Vine Whips on the dome, but each time it struck the dome, a jolt of electricity was sent into her sending her flying away screeching in pain, and my breathing began to shake unable to look at the pain my Meganium was going through in order to get to me. I was about to get up and see them, but Serena hugged me from behind and rubbed my chest soothingly.

"Please, Ash. Please don't do anything out of rage. Not only would you be putting yourself in danger, but you would also endanger your Pokemon. I understand your pain. Even I wouldn't be able to see my Pokemon in this manner, but you can only reach them by proper planning", she whispered into my ear and I nodded my head in defeat.

"You're right", I told her and she kissed my cheek looking at me expectantly.

"What?", I asked her.

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