Chapter 30

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Ash's POV:

It was way too difficult to see the person from the smoke, but from her gait, I found her out at that very instant, and unfortunately, so did my father. She was wearing a bulletproof vest over a regular shirt along with a huge load of grenades in her waist with a large battle knife on her left thigh.

"It has been a long time, Delia", he scoffed and my mother just nodded her head, not shifting her harsh glare from his face. Throughout my nearly 18 years of existence, I've never ever seen a scowl adorn my mother's face, and it was the first time I was seeing her like this.

"Yes it has been a long time, Red. Rough day?", she asked him even though she must have known the answer and he gritted his teeth in anger. The very next second, she rushed towards me and grappled me in the famous hug my mom and I were special for.

"You've already done SO much, sweetheart. Just take a seat, I'll stretch my limbs for a bit", she told me diverting her attention back to Red.

"Maybe. Maybe not. It just got better. It's been a while since my blade has tasted the blood of a brunette woman", he said and brought out a small 4 inch knife with a retractable handle, and held the blade between the middle and ring fingers of his right hand.

"It's been a while since I've stretched my muscles too. Care to dance with your former lover?", she asked him with a small condescending smile which I had seen on another face, and apparently, Red noticed it too, as I saw his eyes falter at that smile.

"My daughter would have had a longer, and a better life if it wasn't for you, Xavier", she seethed and Red looked down to the ground and raised his hand.

"I don't care about how you would have raised her. I just know that I loved her, each and every bit of her...and ALL of that is gone, dust before my eyes, because of that wretched scum of yours called your SON!", he spat and those words were as venomous as a Seviper's poison.

"Well then, if you do a good thing, it comes back to you. But if you do something wrong, it comes back as double the trouble. Consider me as the next one", Mom seethed and charged at him with a flat kick to his abdomen, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting that as he was sent a few metres back, stumbling to gain his footing. The next second, she tore through the cover on the knife, brandishing the piece of metal proudly and menacingly.

"Fight someone in your calibre. If I had trained my son well enough to fool your best friend, just think about how well trained I would be, honey", she told him before gearing up for another move.

"As I recall, I only remember ONE victor in each and every one of our battles", Red smirked and charged at mon who was unfazed, and kept blocking and dodging his powerful attacks.

"You think you can best ME?", Mom asked him completely amused by his attacks, while I was busy trying to keep my eyes open due to the exhaustion and pain due to my previous battle.

"Wondering how I came here?", she asked him still lazily dodging his hard attacks, but I had to give credit to him, he didn't give up at all, he kept pushing and pushing even though he didn't get the desired result - something I always do. Even though I was brought up by my mother, was there a dormant part of me that was a clone of Red? Will I grow up to become another tyrant like him?

"I don't need to know how you got here. I'll just make sure that you leave this place in a coffin", he seethed and for the first time, he made contact. The edge of his knife ripped a cut across Mom's right cheek and she howled in pain, as blood began to flow down her face and she sucked in air through her teeth, grimacing further in pain.

"I'm no fool, Delia. The blade is heated, and has been coated with concentrated sulphuric acid. The insides burn, don't they?", he asked her with a grin on his face which I badly wanted to wipe off, but I didn't have the strength or skill to do so.

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