Chapter 19

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Serena's POV:

"Y...Y..Yes! I...I will be you girlfriend!", I told him and buried my face in his chest, tears of joy streaming down my face, and he kissed my hair, rubbing circles on my back.

"Come on! I've got to get ready for my battle. You will be here, won't you?", he asked me and I nodded my head.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world", I told him and pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. While we were busy, I heard someone clear his throat but I chose to ignore it and tightened my grip, which unfortunately wasn't reciprocated by Ash, and he turned around to look at Calem.

"If the two of you are done eating your faces, can we start our Battle?", Calem asked from the other side and Ash just chuckled looking at his Ponyta-like expression and Calem began to curse.

"It's time for my battle! I'll see you after the match", he told me and walked to the side rolling a small Pokeball among his fingers.

Then, I took my seat and suddenly a massive weight fell on my lap, and I saw that it was Raichu punching the air and probably cursing Calem in his own tongue.

"Are you excited to see Ash battle?", I asked Raichu and his ears shot up and slapped my cheeks.

"RAI RAI!!", he yelled and nodded his head continuing to punch invisible enemies in the air.

I rubbed his head acknowledging the little Pokemon's excitement in seeing his trainer battling and he cooed in pleasure just like how he'd coo when Ash rubbed his head. Ash heard the commotion going on and turned around to see us.

"You'll be in the next battle, okay?", Ash assured Raichu and he yelled his name in joy. Calem meanwhile was cursing non-stop.

"What's the hurry?", Ash asked Calem with a confident smirk and Calem just glared.

"I just want to see that face of yours adorning the pangs of defeat!", he countered and Ash chuckled shaking his head.

"The dreams of a young one should ALWAYS be nourished. Let's just see", Ash said and enlarged his Pokeball, suddenly turning serious.

"That glare doesn't do anything to me. Luvdisc, WREAK HAVOC!!"

"Meganium, I choose YOU!!", Ash yelled and the second Meganium came out, she wrapped herself around Ash squealing in joy.

"Type advantage won't help you! And stop cuddling with your Pokemon! Water Gun!!"

"Use Razor Leaf!!"

"Circle around to dodge the leaves, and use Aqua Ring!!"

"Catch hold of it using Vine Whip, and use Solar Beam!!"

It was a perfect move. The circular motion of Luvdisc was stopped, and Meganium smashed her into a wall before firing at her in a point blank range.

"NO!!! SNAP OUT!!", Calem yelled.

Luvdisc was no hovering around aimlessly, and Meganium just glared at Calem.

"Use Petal Blizzard!!"

"Dodge it!"

But it was of no use and Luvdisc fainted as quickly as she had arrived into the battle arena. I saw the glare on Ashlyn's face rise. Suddenly, her expression wasn't so condescending like it was before the battle.

Meganium was prancing around Ash in joy, and he complied with the celebration of his overprotective Pokemon.

"Just because you've beaten my Luvdisc doesn't mean that you've beaten me. Gyarados, destroy that overgrown twig!!", Calem yelled and Ash just flipped his hair like Drew agitating him even more.

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