Chapter 22

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Ash's POV:

"Nope! Nope nopity nope! I'm not doing Ashley again, Gertrude!", I told Gary and he just chuckled.

"If it's of any consolation to you, I'll HAVE to be with you. So Gertrude will have to go with Ashley", Gary told me and Serena got in between us.

"Can anyone tell me WHAT IS GOING ON?", she yelled and Gary stepped forward.

"You see, when we were 10, Ashy boy was this hyped up kid I hope you'd remember. Back in Kanto, we were going to Celadon Gym, and Ash had insulted the Gym Leader by mocking her perfume. Unfortunately, I did the same, so we were red marked and we couldn't enter the gym again. So no Gym Battle, no Gym Badge, no Indigo League. You follow?", he asked Serena and she nodded her head motioning him to go on.

"We tried breaking in, but it didn't work. So we decided to cross dress as girls. Ash decided to take the name Ashley, and I took the name Gertrude, and by some miracle, she actually accepted our challenge. But Ashy-boy's wig fell off and he decimated her team, so she kicked him out of the Gym again. Don't ask how, but we managed to cool her down, and we got our respective badges", he told Serena and she nodded her head giggling while two fists punched the sides of my left arm.

I turned around to see the glaring faces of May and Dawn.

"Why didn't you tell us about this before?", they asked me stomping their feet on the ground and I just rolled my eyes.

"If I had told you about this, you wouldn't have let me forget about that costume!", I accused and they began to blush and nodded their heads.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get started!", Gary yelled enthusiastically.

"Are you actually EXCITED to redo the Gertrude thing?", I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Nope! I'm not excited to dress as Gertrude. I'm waiting to see how many guys hit on us, Ashy boy", he sniggered and I began to stare at the ground HOPING that the blood would flow down from my cheeks. The girls however, were in hysterics.

Time Skip

Serena's POV:

"I can't WAIT to see how Gary looks like dressed as a girl", Dawn told me jumping up and down.

Gary came out first and I'm pretty sure that our jaws would have hit the ground if it was a cartoon from the 90s.

He was ACTUALLY stunning, with a flowing red wig which went down to his elbows, cotton stuffed into his chest to create the impression of fake breasts, a blue skirt with a yellow top and blood red stilettos.

A second later, Ash came in rubbing his arm, and he was equally convincing as Gary. If I hadn't met the two of them before, I would have believed that they were girls WITHOUT a doubt.

Ash had a wig almost of the same colour as my hair, just a tone yellowish. He too had the fake breasts, and wore a white top with a red skirt, and light blue sandals.

"Ooh la la! Look at these beautiful women!", May complimented them and Ash groaned.

"Okay, okay, stop teasing them", I said defending Ash and he looked at me gratefully.

"But, how will you guys pass as girls? I mean, Ash is 6'2" and so is Gary, not to mention that Gary is also wearing heels!", I highlighted and suddenly, all of us grew silent.

"Well, Misty is 6 feet tall, you are 5'11", May and Dawn are 5'10". I guess they might have been used to seeing you girls", Ash told me and tucked three Pokeballs in his skirt.

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