Chapter 20

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Ash's POV:

My mind went numb. I felt like 20 firetrucks had hit me and I tried to shield my ears from the wails of Raichu who was writhing in pain...blood spewing from his tail stump. From my watery and bloodshot eyes, I looked at the weak grin on Ashlyn's face.

"I told you, brother! THIS..IS...WAR!!", she motioned gritting her teeth. I didn't bother about the rules and went to cradle my starter who fisted my shirt whimpering in pain. But I couldn't do ANYTHING to soothe him.

"I told you that he was done battling", I told her in a shaky voice and she turned her attention towards Beartic. Before I could blink my eye, he smote me with his fist and I was sent flying to my side and fell on my right knee rather hard.

The yells of my friends and family turned deaf to my ears and Raichu managed to stand up, tears of pain still streaming down his face.

"RAIICHIIIIII!!!!", he yelled and conjured a massive lightning bolt. The next second, he shot it towards Beartic who was shivering from the sudden shock.

"Focus Punch", I said weakly and his fists began to glow.


But Raichu made contact with Beartic's cheeks and finished it off with a double hit to its forehead, and the large Ice type Pokemon dropped down to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"Beartic is unable to continue! Raichu is the winner!", the referee started.

"SOMEBODY HELP!! MEDIC!!", I yelled running towards Raichu and I grabbed his tail ensuring that I don't touch the severed portion.

"I can't allow that. I'm really sorry", he announced from behind me, and I could say that I haven't sworn at a person like that in my entire life.

"You know what? FINE!!", May said and grabbed Raichu from me along with his tail and ran outside, but she was stopped by a few grunts.

"Ta...Take him to the dispensary in the lower unutilized dormitory, and plug him to a 220 Volt supply! Please hurry!", I begged of her and she tore her way through the grunts to the lower side.

"I forfeit!", I announced and Ashlyn clicked her tongue shaking her finger.

"You aren't allowed to forfeit. You have to battle with all of your Pokemon!", the referee told me glaring at me, and at that moment, I caught him by the back of his neck and his nose made contact with my knee. While he was groaning in pain, I was lost. From the confident battler who had won 7 Leagues and had fought 7 Champions, I had suddenly turned into an amateur. I wasn't able to remember a single move or a single combination.

"Sceptile, I choose YOU!!"

"Gardevoir, I choose YOU!!"

"Use Leaf Blade!!"

"Future Sight!!"

Gardevoir dodged it with ease and my Mega-Sceptile just glared at her, but without my order, he swat her with his thick tail sending her crashing through a broken wall.

"Tear that lizard apart!! Combine Future Sight with Psychic!!"

"Defense is your best weapon! Attack from range! Use Bullet Seed!!"

Bullet Seed sent Gardevoir packing back. Future Sight was useless as Bullet Seed was an unpredictable move. Psychic however, damaged Sceptile. He was sent smashing towards me, but we together managed to reduce the impact of the attack, and a second later, he was back to face Gardevoir.

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