Chapter 26

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Ash's POV:

I was overly exhausted due to the fumes around me, the battling, and of course, the kick to my temple. But the cherry on top of the cake was the sound bomb that was placed a hundred metres away from me and Serena.

The second it exploded, I blacked out, the last sound I heard being the yelp of Serena.

Time Skip

I don't remember when I woke up, but all I could muster was that Serena was staring into my eyes, owing to the fact that her bright blue eyes were perfectly visible even when my vision was foggy.

"How long was I out?", I asked her YET again, and I feared that it was becoming habitual.

"Just for an hour. Fatigue. That's what happened. Take rest", she told me adjusting my pillow.

"What about her? Did the explosion kill anyone?", I drawled and she rolled her eyes with a small shake of her head.

"All in good time, Ashy", she whispered pressing her lips to my temple, and left the room, leaving me in solitude.

"Good morning, sleepyhead", a well known voice greeted me telepathically, and Greninja came out folding his arms.

"Come on, we've got work to do", he told me in his partially electronic voice.

"Tile! Tile!", Sceptile agreed nodding his head, and pointed his chin towards the window.

"Sceptile wants you to see outside", he told me, and I nodded my head. I really didn't need Greninja to translate Sceptile. I've been around him long enough to understand his body language like my own.

Somehow, the grunts had managed to double their forces, and were armed to the teeth, glaring around remorselessly.

"Let me make ONE thing clear. Those who catch hold of the person who had killer my wife and had incarcerated my son, would be given one wish. As long as it's in my power, I PROMISE to grant it to you", Red yelled from outside glaring dangerously at my window.

"But I need proof of the murder, ladies and gentlemen. Let me remind you, that if anyone of you try to pull a fast one on me, well, you'll see that death is not the final end", he threatened and the grunts grew pale in fear.

"I'm BACK!", Serena yelled opening the door, and her glare intensified when she saw me standing up. She stomped towards me and pushed me down onto the bed grabbing me by my shoulders.

"Didn't I tell you not to get up? You are still weak, Ash!", she scolded me forcing me to roll my eyes in annoyance. But I figured out that she was lying.

"Are you gonna tell me the truth?", I asked her and her eyes widened and she gulped confirming my suspicions.

"Wh...Wha..What truth? I...I ha..have not lied, Ash", she told me nervously.

"If you had told me this without stammering or without dropping your sheet, I might have believed you. Come on, tell me!", I pressed and she took a seat next to me.

"Look, Ash. The guards have been given a shoot on sight order. I just...I don't want anything to happen to you", she told me hugging my arm.

"I'm not going alone. I have my Pokemon with me. Where are they by the way?", I asked her and she took me to them. Most of my Pokemon were playing around in the battle area, but I couldn't spot Infernape and Feraligatr.

"TAR TAR TAR TAR TAR TAR TAR!!!", a familiar voice yelled running and dancing towards a door, and crashed through it followed by Infernape who was charging at him with Flame Wheel.

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