Chapter 31

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Ash's POV:

Mom was walking by my side, but I had NEVER seen her flustered and blushing as heavy as she was at that particular moment.

" won't tell ANYTHING about this to Caroline or Johanna. Understood?", she threatened me, and I'm pretty sure she meant her voice to be quite dangerous, but she ended up sounding like a Dedenne trapped in a ridge.

"Let's say we get even for ALL the times you've embarassed me in front of May and Dawn", I countered chuckling and she gasped in horror, her face reddening even further.

"They are your COUSINS, Ash!", she countered and I rolled my eyes.

"Aunt Johanna and Aunt Caroline are your SISTERS, mum", I countered and she gulped heavily, and sighed.

"If you don't tell them, I'll cook EVERYTHING you like!", she pleaded clasping her hands, and giving me her Rockruff eyes, which technically weren't effective considering that she was attempting to kill a guy a few minutes back.

"I like everything you cook", I countered and she groaned, but suddenly, the playful look from her eyes died, and they were replaced with a rather aged one - one with pain and possibly regret.

"You still have some sort of feelings for him, don't you?", I asked her and she nodded her head sighing in shame.

"There is absolutely NOTHING that I haven't done to try to forget him, but I just..cannot, honey", she told me and her eyes began to glisten. The powerful woman I've known since my birth was suddenly...vulnerable.

"Look mom, if you think he'll keep you happy and whatnot, I...I don't have a problem with you...and him", I told her, and I literally had to cough up the words from the worst part of my guts, but my mother's expression was worth it.

"Are you, sure? I mean, I'm not going to take him back easily with open arms, but, in the future...if at ALL, we get together, you wouldn't mind seeing us together?", she asked me cupping my cheeks and I nodded my head, though my mind was telling me to say the opposite.

"Just so you know, he will never be my father", I spat and limped away, and it hurt me beyond words to do that, but I had to let her know my thoughts about Red.

"What about your leg?", she asked me and before I could reply, she grabbed me by my shoulders.

"What? I'm an old newspaper now, and you found someone better for yourself?", she asked me mock-glaring and I groaned in annoyance.

"Come ON! A few months back, you were literally trying to set me up with ANY female, and now you have a problem with Serena?", I asked her totally exasperated with her hypocrisy, forcing her to laugh heartily.

"Just wanted to see how defensive you are about her. Not bad, though. You have enough skill with words to tackle this world, Ashy", she told me pinching my cheek and we walked back to the room in silence.

The second I stepped into the common room, a massive force hit me straight into my chest, and my head instantly became dizzy. The only thing I could make out from the blur was a messy lock of honey blonde hair. Suddenly, the lock of hair was replaced by two icy cold blue eyes which were boring holes into my very soul.

"You IDIOT! Look what you've done to yourself. Can't you let go of your ego for one f*****g second? NO NO NO! Had to do it by yourself, right? And now LOOK at what has happened! WHO'S got his foot burned up?", my wonderful girlfriend yelled at me shaking me by my collar, and her ranting abruptly stopped when she saw my mom. Unfortunately, for me, she was too busy laughing out, as loud as she could, only stopping to wince in pain, or to catch her breath.

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