Chapter 12

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Ash's POV:

"Ash, please calm down", Serena told me rubbing circles on my chest with a concerned expression, but I was nowhere NEAR calming down knowing that I had an evil female alter ego who was behind me.

"Look, maybe it was just a hallucination", May suggested nervously.

"Look! I remember seeing one OWN! But it was in front of me, as a FEMALE", I told her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Have you talked to your mom, Serena?", I asked her and she nodded her head.

"I did. Things are even worse on her side of Vaniville Town. She has forced her Ryhorn into the house while Fletchinder isn't allowed to go out. Grunts are just capturing every Pokemon they see, WHETHER they have a trainer or not", she told me.

"I...I'm gonna talk to my mom. I have to ask her about Ashlyn", I told them and they nodded their heads, leaving me to my own business. I reached for my PokeTab and called Mom. In a second, she took the call.

"What is it honey? Any problems?", she asked me desperately.

"In a way. Do you know ANYTHING about a woman who looks EXACTLY like me? And that too of my age?", I asked her and she nervously shook her head.

"You're lying, Mom! Dilated pupils, sudden are lying", I told her and she looked down.

"Well, honey, when I came to know that Red actually HAD a wife, I was MAD at him. I bore and a girl. At the time of your birth, we came to a deal that we'll each keep one child...and I chose you. I thought...I thought that he'd dump her in a garbage bin somewhere or that you'd never meet her again. I'm....I'm so sorry, honey", Mom told me sobbing and I walked away in disbelief.

"Please don't go, Ash. I didn't want you to be around him. If I told you about her, you would have tried to see her, and I was afraid he'd brainwash you too. Please forgive me, son. Please", she sobbed and I couldn't see my mother cry.

"Mom! Don't cry, PLEASE! I'm not angry at you. How can I get angry at the one woman who raised me single handedly? ", I pleaded and she began to wipe her tears giving me a weak smile.

"Then who in the world are we?", Aunt Johanna and Aunt Caroline asked me pouting and I simply chuckled causing them to do the same hugging Mom.

"You guys knew about...her?", I asked them and they nodded their heads.

"Do May and Dawn...", I trailed and before I could complete, they shook their heads.

"It was risky to let them know about her, Ash. They might spill it", Aunt Caroline told me.

"I understand. Thank you for letting me know about her. Love you guys,  bye!", I told them and cut the call abruptly when I heard Dawn and May shriek.

"ASH! COME, LOOK HERE!", Serena yelled grabbing me by my wrist and dragging me towards the PokeVision pointing a trembling finger towards it.

"I am standing here in what is supposed to be the PUBLIC execution of our dear leader Charles Goodshow. All the 7 Regions have been brought down to their knees, and Alola......We don't even KNOW what has happened there. Team Skull has barred ALL forms of communication in Alola which is why we do not know WHAT has traversed in the Region of Joy", the reporter spoke solemnly and even the cameraman was shaking.

Charles Goodshow was brought out with a black mask covering his whole face, with two Flare grunts dragging him towards the guillotine.

"They are executing him like the public executions of the 18th century Kalosian Revolution. Merde", Serena told me shaking and she grabbed onto my arm for support. Dawn and May were hugging each other breathing as fast as they could, while Drew and Gary had covered their lower jaws with their hands staring at the screen HOPING for a miracle.

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