First Day Into The New Year

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"Luigi! Wake up!!" Mario shouted as he woke up his brother.

"Wha, wha what??" stated Luigi as he got up.

"We are gonna be late for school! Hurry up and get changed. I'll make you something for you to eat just hurry up!" Mario said, looking really worried.

Luigi got up and changed into a green shirt and blue trousers. He wasn't looking forward for another year at school but he didn't want to miss the bus and be late. He was, however looking forward to seeing his girlfriend, Daisy. Mario and Luigi have been in Italy for the whole holiday so they haven't got to see any of their friends.

Luigi whistled as he walked down the stairs with all his school equipment as Mario gave him a peanut butter sandwich and a milkshake before they headed for the bus. 

"I'm feeling really excited bro," Mario stated as they waited for the bus "I feel like this year I can do very well in all my sports."

Meanwhile, Wario's Mum was waiting for her son at the door of his house! "WARIO HURRY UP YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE!" she screamed.

"Ok, ok Mum!" Wario said, sounding really scared.

"Mumma Mia what is that smell?" she asked, holding her nose as she dragged Wario to the car with his brother Waluigi laughing and waiting for his brother to get in.

As the school bus were moving all you could hear where Bowser and Daisy getting into and argument.

"Excuse me, why the hell did u push me?" Daisy shouted as she raised a fist at Bowser.

"Because I can! What are you gonna do about it?" taunted Bowser. Daisy got out of her seat and started punching Bowser in the face however Luigi was quick to act and stopped her before things went crazy. Daisy gave Bowser one of her 'I am going to kill you' and sat back down on her seat.

The Bus finally arrived at the school, Mushroom high as everyone jumped out and headed into the school. Daisy and Luigi were having a conversation as they headed towards Rosalina.

"Yo, whats up." Daisy said as she offered Rosalina a fist bump.

"Nah nothing much I am just excited about our new Principal." Rosalina said, grinning. 

Their old school principal Mr Toadsworth left last year for retirement. This year they have a new one. Her name is Mrs Johnson and she seemed a lot stricter than Mr Toadsworth and that wasn't a great thing since he suspended 10 students last year, all of which were in the same year as Mario, Luigi and all that.

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