Djhon's way of life

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So some people think that Djhon is "perfect "at sport but the thing that no one has realised that I've picked 3 types sports for him to be great at. In this chapter, I can assure you that he isn't as "perfect" as you think.

Djhon woke up early this morning feeling happy after what he did yesterday. He took a shower and got dressed for school. He left in time to catch up with one of his friends, Joshua. 

"Hey Djhon, that was a great performance yesterday!" Joshua said. 

"Yeah I know, you did good too in the high jump!" Djhon replied.

"Could I ask you a question?" Joshua asked. 

"Yeah what?" 

"So, how come you are really talented at football, basketball and athletics?"

"Its a very long story. Basically when I used to live in England and I was in what they call here Elementary school and what they called there primary school I was never really into sport. When I was in year 4 in the summer for PE they did sprint runs. After I had my race I realised that I was quite fast so I started training for athletics. 2 years later I found out I was a natural at basketball and a year and a year after that I realised I was a natural at soccer too. I wasn't really good at batting sports like cricket or badminton so I decided to stick with these three sports and improve as I go! This is only part of the reason though"

"But why don't you like batting sports?" Josh asked.

"Its not that I don't like them, I just wasn't really good at them. I'm not even that good at them now, the only bat sport I'm OK at is tennis." 

"Ok!" Josh said. 

"Plus I train 4 times a week for athletics and I train 3 times a fortnight for basketball and athletics!"

They both went to school and started their classes. For Djhon, this was Science and he had a test. Djhon was ok at science. He was great at Physics and ok at Chemistry but he absolutely hated Biology. It wasn't that he was absolutely horrible at it but he found it hard. 

At lunch time he usually sat with his friends in the canteen or go to practise but for some reason he had to be brought up to the office.

"Hello sir!" Djhon said, unsure of what was going to happen!

"Hello Djhon, someone wants to see you, his name is Coach DK!"


He went into the meeting room where he saw someone familiar.

"Hey Djhon!" Coach DK beamed.

"Hold on a minute, were you that person who coach some other school in Regionals yesterday!"

"Oh yes, but I've heard that you really wanted a better coach for athletics and thats why you've move here!" Coach DK said.

"And you know this how?" Djhon questioned.

"Your parents contacted me since I work for an athletics club and I know a professional coach that could push you. I am trying to do you a favour here!" 

"You know a professional coach that could help me improve?" 

"Yes, but I want something in return as well!" Coach DK said.

"Ok, what?" Djhon asked.

"So you have been the reason that our school have been losing to flowers in my 3 favourite sports! I'm asking you to join my school for next year, but this isn't to join my team and help us win, I really want you to try and coach the soccer and basketball team to help them become better, this could be a learning experience for you, all this school are doing is using you to win trophies!"

"To be honest with you, I've trained both teams to be a lot better than they were, I didn't play in the soccer cup final and we still won. It was very close in the basketball we lost that and I still played. All I can say that I'd love to move schools because half the teachers here don't like me for some reason. So how can I contact this professional coach?" Djhon asked.

"I've got his number, I've already told him about you and your interest so you could contact him and there you go!" 

"Ok, anything else?" Djhon asked. 

"Thats all for now and please, don't tell anyone in my school why you decided to come to this school. You can tell them that you are coming though. Thank you for your time!"

"Your welcome!" Djhon said.

On the way home Djhon would usually head home to start his homework but today he had none, so he went to the park where he saw someone he found familiar. 

"Oh hi, Djhon never expected to see you here!" It was Luigi. 

"Hi, whats your name again?" Djhon asked.

"I'm Luigi!" 

"Oh yes, you that 200m runner I saw yesterday great work. I swear down you normally hang out with other people!" Djhon said.

"They all got detention!"

"Care to explain!"

"It's a very long story!" Luigi explained to Djhon about how there was a huge fight in their school and how two people in his year got excluded.

"Isn't Peach that blonde one I always see getting Starbucks on a Saturday?" Djhon asked.

"Yes, yes it is!" Luigi replied.

"You know I saw Peach threaten someone with a knife and made her give away her nike airforces!" Djhon said. 

"WHAT!" Luigi screeched. He knew Peach was bad, but never though Peach was that horrible! "I'm so shook Djhon, when was this!" 

"About a month or so ago!" Djhon replied.

"What the hell bro are you serious?"

"Yes, why would I lie about this!"


Djhon was on his way home from taking his girlfriend to the restaurant when he noticed someone getting tourmented by a Peach.

"Hey chump!" Peach said with a grin. "You either give me those shoes or lose your life!" She held up a knife ready to stab her. The girl was scared.

"But these are my best shoes, you can't just take them from me!"

"Do I care, give it, or you get stabbed!" Peach looked ready to kill her. Reluctantly the girl gave her the shoes and Peach left her to cry

//Flashback over

"Oh my God!" Luigi was traumatised. "I need to tell someone!"

"Luigi I also have one other thing to say!" Djhon said.

"What is that!" Luigi asked.

"Don't tell this to anyone but next year I am moving to your school!"

"Really, nice to know!" Luigi said. Mario's gonna go crazy if he heard this, he thought.

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