t a e h y u n g

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"look at me, why don't you draw me my love?"

"why should i?" you questioned at the guy who was appearing in front of you so suddenly while you were listening to music.

"you're an artist."

"how do you know; and who are you?"

"you will get to know me soon!" he gave you his boxy smile which you thought it was cute. you were wondering why is a stranger, approached you so suddenly while you were sitting on a bench, listening to music and enjoying the cool air, touching your skin. you began to close your eyes, trying to imagine yourself picking up the brush, dipping it onto some colours before colouring the canvas.

you opened your eyes, trying to look at his face, but he was gone, by the second. you were shocked because you were greeted by smoke, as soon as you opened your eyes. his body gradually turned into smoke before disappearing together with the wind. you sat up straight, your head turned left to right, trying to search for him.

you closed your eyes, trying to remember his features. next thing you know, you felt your body shaken vigorously. your eyes shot opened, as you heard your name being called by your best friend, haeri.

"what?" you snapped at your friend who was trying to wake you up from your little nap.

"you did it again! look at your canvas!"

you swifted your head from your friend to the canvas. your hands were still holding the brush. your eyes widened at the look of the canvas. you didn't know what had happened that, there was an unfinished drawing of a man.

"i don't know how, but your hand moves while you were having your short nap. it's like, there's someone or something possessed you, making your hand moved involuntarily, drawing the figure." haerin muttered. you pressed your lips together, trying to process the whole situation.

the weird thing is that, that is not the first time, your hand did the magic involuntarily. it always happens once you were napping in front of an empty canvas. you were brought out of trance, as you heard your name exhoing in your ear.

"can you try to finish the drawing? it looks like a beautiful drawing. you never tried to finish those pictures you draw all these while." haerin said, trying to encourage you to keep on drawing. "but why does the drawings shows the same guy?" she continued.

"i don't understand myself either. i've met him several time in my dream, but never in real life."

"any plans on submitting that piece to the professor? who knows she might enrolled you in the exhibition of young artist?" she suggested.

"i don't think so. i mean, it is not that great anyway!" you shrugged it off immediately, but deep inside your heart, you did want to join the exhibition.

"you two over there! care to share, what were you both discussing?" the arts professor, mrs kang asked sternly, making the whole class looking at the both of us.

"urm, i was wondering if, she's joining the exhibition of young artist or not?" haerin asked as the stood up, feigning ignorance, making you blushed due to embarrassment. you tried to pull her back to seat, but she shrugged off your grip.

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