j i n | FIX YOU

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"come on brain! work with me."

your hair was tied up in a messy bun, a pen tucked on your ear. you were lying on your stomach on the bed, while staring at the laptop, you reread the last sentence you wrote over and over again. picking up the pen from your ear, you scribbled some words on the scrap paper next to your letters. striking some words you wrote earlier, you let go of the pen, and began rolling to your left, making you lied on your back, staring at the ceiling.

growling, you rubbed your face, roughly while whining while your legs are kicking the air and seconds later, kicking the headboard of the bed. you were feeling so stressed out, that you are on the verge of crying.

"why is that my brain cells aren't connecting?" you tossed and turned on the bed, trying to squeeze some words out of your brain.

"hey babe, tell me what's wrong." your fiancé, seokjin who was leaning against the bed frame, whilst typing on his laptop said. you looked at him, immediately as soon as he voiced out. wearing his black frame glasses, his eyes were stuck on the screen of his laptop working out on his paperwork.

your pouted, while your face scrunched, holding yourself from bursting into tears. silence enveloped the room, and all you heard, was his keypad clicking away. you continued to stare at the ceiling. next thing you heard was the sound of his laptop being shut off and placed on the side desk.

letting out a sigh, your heard the duvet shuffled, as your fiancé lying next to you, staring at the ceiling too.

"why don't you get some sleep?" you heard him said. you didn't respond to him. he turned his body, making him lying on his arm, facing you. "you've been working on your next book, for two weeks, with few hours of sleep daily. you need to rest."

"i can't. i need to catch up, the deadline is near, the book is nowhere from being a book! i am tired, but i can't sleep!" you pressed your lips together.

"cry." he demanded. your lips were still pressed together. "cry, let go of that heavy feeling in your chest. lighten yourself." you felt him pulling your body encircling you. burying your head against his chest, you let the reservoir broke. you began crying.

"i-it's j-just that, every time i write, someone will cut me off, using the same idea, or more less similar to my ideas. how can i be 'the' author if i can't produce anything? the editors are counting on my book after i nailed the previous book!" you continued to cry in his embrace.

"you won the best author last year though."

"i know." you whispered. "but that is not what i wanted. i wanted the readers to be inspired, i would want to be the author, who can make changes to the world, even the slightest change, would brighten up my day." you truthfully told him. he then, rubbed your back, soothing you. you felt calm after crying.

"the ones i wrote these few days aren't up to my satisfaction. it's not even reaching out to my target. i knew you read it, even though i told you not to, unless i have completed it." you heard him chuckled.

"do you remember those days, when i first started my business, when the whole world told me, i will not make it?" you nodded while your head was against his chest, and his chin was on top of your head.

"you were the one who told me that i will make it. you were the one who told me, that i should go for it, and that i'll never know, unless i try." you hummed in response, but his words still aren't convincing for you to continue.

"you know i read your work, and it is inspiring! you need to fix yourself some sleep. rest before exerting yourself, and get sick. if you are sick, who's going to cuddle me? i don't want to sleep alone." he said before kissing the crown of your head. you smacked his chest lightly, earning a chuckle from him.

"you are saying that because don't want to hurt my feelings." you pouted.

"i am not saying it because i am your fiancé, but your work is beautiful, you should've have seen it from my view. those words are brilliant!"

"you do have your way with words aren't you?" you retorted. he smirked while raising his brows at you. "seokjinnie, why are you so sweet?"

"because i am your honey!"


days and nights passed, you've been working with the book. it is finally here, the verdict from your editor, whether your book makes the final cut. seokjin had been supportive of you, even though he is busy with his business. he makes sure that you had your meal, calls you even if he is not at home, just to check up on you. coming home early, to cook you dinner.

"have you received the email already?" he enquired. you have glued yourself on the couch waiting for the email since morning. you had been refreshing the website. finally a beep came notifying the new email. there you saw it. an email came from your editor addressed to you. seokjin immediately plopped down beside you waiting for you to open the email.

"can you, open it for me?" you buried your face against your folded knees. "i can't bring myself to open it." your heart raced against your ribs, and your hands began sweating.

"no honey, it's your call. it is better for you to open and face it, but i promise you, i will be here, by your side no matter what happens." he assured you, while circling his arm around you. reaching out to the laptop, you clicked on the email. you eyes wandered at the screen, reading the email. a smile broke after you have reached the end of the email.

"why are you crying?" you didn't realised that a tear escape from your eyes until seokjin swiped his thumb across your cheek.

"i made it! they are sending it for printing already!" his eyes widened, as he grabbed the laptop from you and began reading the email. placing the laptop back on the coffee table. he then cupped your cheeks, and began smashing his lips against yours. you kissed him back out of happiness, and the next thing you realised you have landed on your back, on the couch.

both of you broke up from the kiss, lips all swollen. you stared into his eyes, while your arms encircled his waist, and his around your shoulders. embracing each other, lying on the couch.

"i told you, you are going to be doing just fine." he told you, sweetly. "give me the names, who tried to ruin you. i personally go and smack them!" he said, lightened up the atmosphere. you chuckled at his words.

"you don't have to smack people. i would be leaving here all alone, while you are sitting in prison." you replied. "since when have you become so cheesy?" he asked.

"learned from the best. my idol!" you said nonchalantly. he touched your nose lightly and smiled towards you, before kissing your forehead, then your eyelids, your nose, cheeks, and lastly your lips.

you were grateful, seokjin is there to fix you, whenever you broke down. he is your pillar, your backbone, your biggest supporter. you realised, you aren't who you are, without him.

** a/n: inspired from a story of me and my friend

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a/n: inspired from a story of me and my friend. the base of the story though. and i was listening to fix you, coldplay. thank you!

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