j i m i n | LOOK AT ME

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clicking the save button on the screen, you saved the assignment in the folder in your laptop. you smiled knowing that your assignment for the day is done. your stomach made a cute rumble sounds screaming for food. trying your best not to roll your eyes upon the sound of the stomach rumbling, you cleaned up the table in front of you, before shoving your laptop and a few books in your bag. pulling your bag on your shoulder, you took the remaining books on the table, before pushing the chair closer to the table.

walking over to the counter near the entrance of the library, you gave the books to the librarian to check out from the library. the librarian gave you the books and return your ID card, you mouthed a thank you to her, before sauntering out from the library heading towards the cafeteria.

as soon as you stepped into the cafeteria, you saw a line of five people waiting to be serve near the counter. taking a few steps towards the line, you were greeted by your long time crush since high school, hyeon-il.

you began to have a crush on him, the moment the two of you being paired up for the school project, years ago. i recalled the days, when you find out that the two of you were going to enter the same university, even though pursuing different courses. red tinge crept to your cheeks, as soon as the word 'hi' slipped out from his mouth. your system halted, every time he greeted or talked to you.

"i hope you're doing great these days, especially finals are coming soon." he said, while queuing up behind you.

"yeah." your voice came out whispery, which was what you did not expected. you cleared out your throat before uttering out the same word.

"i hope you are doing well too." you said, picking up the tray of food from the cafeteria staff.

"make sure to eat well, and take care of yourself. i remember those days, you just like to skip food just to complete the projects, back in high school." he said, before passing you an apple from his tray. your lips twitched upwards, smiling at him, when he placed the apple on your tray.

"thanks! you too." you wished. he walked away to his friends, not before giving out a wink to you. you bit your lips, to suppress yourself from screaming out of excitement.


walking out from the bathroom, the sound your phone roared a familiar tune resonating the room. you scurried over to your bed, with a towel wrapped around you to where your phone was lying, you picked it up and pressed it against your ear.

"jimin!" you chirped. jimin has been your bestfriend since childhood, mainly because both of your mothers are friends. you both knows each others' secret, likes as well as dislikes.

"free tonight? let's grab a drink of something?"

"nah, i don't think so, i am getting ready for my classmate's, hana's birthday party now. rain check?"

"yeah sure, bunny!" both of you said goodbye before clicking the phone off. throwing the phone back to the bed, you walked to the closet to get ready.


"thank you for coming!" hana chirped when you walked into the room filled with your college mates. you hugged her, before wishing her well wishes for her birthday, and gave a birthday present.

"of course, i wouldn't want to miss your birthday!" you beamed, earning a little dance from hana.

both of you parted, as hana had to greet and welcome the other guest. you took the opportunity to mingle around with the other college mates, laughing and talking. while talking to the other acquaintances, you heard a familiar laugh resonating the room. you turned your head towards the direction of the voice.

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