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"ouch!" you winced as soon as your right foot stepped onto a piece of small lego block on the floor, while carrying boxes of toys to the shelf.

"you worked too hard, sissy!" soran, your colleague, stated, reaching for the boxes in your arms. "let me help you with this boxes, while you, get yourself a drink in the pantry or something." soran is a little over four years older than you, but she treated you like you are both of the same age.

"yes mom, thank you!" you kissed her cheek, as soon as you passed the boxes to her.

you were back in your working mode, after the cool liquid reached your throat, feeling refreshed enough. while walking to the shelf to help soran to arrange the new toy boxes, you can't help but noticed the little kids section, which was in a little mess.

deciding to forgo the intention to help soran, you walked over the small fence into the kids' section. picking up the small blocks piece you placed them in the designated buckets. a small three year old girl caught your attention. she was sitting all alone at the corner, twirling the dolls, hair. her eyes caught your attention. she was looking at another girl, who was playing a stuff animal with her friends near the table. standing up, you made small steps, to reach the little girl.

"hi there kiddo." the little girl took a second glance at you, and immediately diverted her attention to the group of girls. "i believe you love kittens, don't you?" her eyes glowed at the word kitten. "come, i'll show you something." you extended your hand, for her to reach. she shook her head in a no. "uncle told me, not to talk to strangers."

"where's your uncle?"

"somewhere, he is looking for pwesents for my baby brother."

"come, let me bring you to the other corner, and i promise you, you will be back here, in this seat, in no time." you smiled at her. she reached out to your hand, and both of you walked to the other kids' section.

she was bouncing excitedly as soon as you showed her the box, full of stuffed kittens. "can i stay here?" she asked, still in awed at the amount of stuffed kittens in front of her. "you can, but make sure, never to go out from this fence okay?" you said, while pointing to the small fence, surrounding the area. "promise me, to play here, and wait for your uncle." you extended your pinky fingers, for her to promise. nodding in excitement, she clung her tiny little pinky fingers to yours. you then, pinched her cheeks, before walking away from her.

picking up new toy boxes arrived this morning from the storage room, you continued to help soran to arrange the boxes in their respective places. the day went by passed smoothly, as both of you closes the toy store.


it was a new day, where both soran and you were counting the daily stocks on the shelves. the sound of kids giggling, screaming in excitement, and also crying were filling the store. some of the kids were running around the kids play area, playing seesaw and the small sized, slides. some kids were playing with tea with their friends, and some were playing in the ball pond which were filled with colourful small balls.

parents were seated at the adult section where they can have their coffee or tea fix, while some were busy, picking up new toys either for birthday presents and christmas presents, since it was few weeks before christmas.

the sound of the door bell chimed, indicating a new customer coming into the store. a man dressed casually in black ripped jeans, with a white shirt layered with a black jacket came walking in. his smooth blonde hair was perfectly proportioned. your heart beats, when you saw him walking towards you. scanning the store, his eyes stopped instantly at you. smiling, he made his way to you.

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