h o s e o k | SUMMER OR SOME MORE?

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"hopes! rooftop today?" namjoon who was standing next to taehyung directed the question to him. taehyung on the other hand, made their signature handshake towards each other ended with fist bump.

"of course! wouldn't want to miss it. who's the prey?"

"some kid, who owed me an assignment due this morning, but didn't make it." namjoon shrugged nonchalantly. "time?" taehyung asked while kicking the small pebbles at the side walk.

"the usual, 2 sharp! bring along jeon!" hoseok answered while picking up his bag before making a dental click, signalling goodbye to both of them. "gotta go! maths soon!"

hoseok can't help himself from noticing the stares from the other students while he was strolling along the hallway to class. of course, feeling extremely proud, he did winked to a group of girls at the corner of the hall, who was obviously eyeing him from top to bottom. shifting his gaze to the other corner, he noticed a familiar girl, who is also his classmate talking to her friend, smiling and laughing. as soon as she noticed hoseok looking at her, a distaste look was evident on her face.

involuntarily, he let out a huff, before taking a turn to his class. not before mumbling "she's not that pretty anyway, nerd!"

fooling himself, hoseok knew, he felt a different vibe embracing him, after he saw the girl outside of the class. dismissing his thought, he walked to the end of the class, securing his usual seat-- far away from the teacher.

as soon as the class start, instead of focusing his mind was wandering around, particularly, to the girl sitting centre front of the class. he felt a nudge by the boy who sat next to him, also his best friend, yoongi. "where are you, now?" yoongi questioned. hoseok let out a disapproving look towards him, while hissing "what?!".

seokjin shrugged, while pointed towards the teacher in front, clearly lasering her eyes straight to him. hoseok gulped in nervousness, while giving the teacher a slight nod. "sorry."

"do you even listened to what i am saying?" the teacher asked, placing her hands on her hips. "uh- uh" hoseok stuttered.

"your maths exams are getting worse. you should learn like serim here. the good student, the best in maths!" hoseok scoffed while hearing the name. the exact girl who didn't give a slightest glance towards him this morning.

"okay." he replied.

"okay? do you think okay would save your maths pointer?" the teacher asked sternly. hoseok fell silent. "as the matter of fact, i have a solution. you and serim will team up." turning to the girl seated in front of her, she said, "serim, your tasked is to help hoseok to raise his bar up! i'm going to check on your performance next month's test, hoseok. take note!" turning back her on her heels, she continued on leading the class with her lectures for a few minutes before dismissing the class.

hoseok groaned in disapproval while yoongi was giggling. yoongi pulled the book from hoseok's table to his. "woah! really hoseok?"

"what now?" hoseok dropped his head on his folded arms, which were placed on the table. "kim serim. you have hots for her, didn't you?" yoongi said in a whisper manner. "delusional!" hoseok retorted.

"care to explain?" yoongi said, pointed to the opened page of the book. "you drew her." he simply said. "who says it's her. it doesn't looked like her!" yoongi nodded playfully. "yeah, yeah. clearly her name was scribbled right below." hoseok widened his eyes, while pulling the book from yoongi. "never mention this to anyone. and no, i don't even like her. she's a nerd!"

seconds later, serim herself stopped by their desks. upon hearing her footsteps, hoseok scurriedly closed the book and shoved it in his bag. "what do you want?" he said flatly. "library today, at 2, no excuse." she ordered before leaving the two, speechless.

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