kim taehyung ;; over and over again

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(this whole series of angst is written in lowercase letters )

4 hours.

its been exactly four hours since you sent your boyfriend of 2 years, taehyung, the fifth text asking where he was.

he didn't respond nor see any of the texts and missed calls you gave him.

you sighed as you slammed your phone on the couch and tilted your head back in worry. you groaned.

"why the fuck does he never check his goddamn phone."

you grabbed your phone and checked to see what the time was.

the phone's brightness radiated on your face as you saw the pic of you and taehyung taking a cute selfie.
you had your nose scrunched up while taehyung kissed your cheek.

12:35 am

you didn't notice but a tear slipped down your cheek.

you missed taehyung. you missed his scent, hugs, kisses, just him overall.

you were worry sick.

but sad to say this was kind of becoming daily.

taehyung never seeing your text until hours later.
taehyung coming home late as 2 am.

you weren't worried about him being drunk because his breath never smelled like alcohol nor did he come home drunk.

but it got you wondering,

what WAS he doing?

you wiped your eye and sniffed and heard keys jangling faintly.

you sprang up from the couch and immediately went to open the door.

there he was, taehyung standing.

"you gonna let me in or what?"

you rolled your eyes.

"don't fucking say that shit taehyung, where the fuck where you?"

your eyebrows creased in anger and you crossed you arms.

taehyung took a deep breath and sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"i don't have fucking time for this, y/n. im tired as hell so please don't bother me."

he pushed your shoulder as you walked inside the house. you could feel your anger rising in your chest.

you don't know if he heard it but something fell from his jacket and hit the floor. you were going to pick it up but you needed to talk to him first.

you ran in front of him before he could leave enter the room that you two slept in. you blocked his way of getting in by spreading your arms and legs, making an X.

"im worried sick about you and that's all you can fucking say? why do you keep coming late like this now?"

"y/n" he groaned.

"no, i want to know." you raised your voice a little higher.

"move." he said sternly and closed his eyes.

"tell me where you were." you said with the same tone.

he opened his eyes
"it's none of your fucking business y/n so why don't you stay out of it!? goddamn it feels like you don't even TRUST me anymore!" his deep voice echoed through the house and you were taken aback.

he seized the opportunity and stepped inside the room and slammed the door.

you stood there shocked.
you didn't like crying but you couldn't help it as the tears slowly rolled down your cheek. you were angry.

who the hell does he think he's talking to like that?

trust? if anything it seems like he doesn't trust me.

you slowly walked back to the living room and say the door open.

you wiped your tears away and sniffed.
you went to close the door but you saw someone's phone on the ground.

that's right, his phone fell out his jacket when he pushed my shoulder to get inside.

you couldn't help but think of the things he was actually doing this late at night.

so curiously, you stepped outside and closed the door as silently as you could.

you frowned as you saw that he had a password.

he never did before.

hmmm, what could it be?

you tried 1234 and it shook saying wrong pin.

you thought again and tried 2016, the year you met him.


you smiled to yourself in awe as you thought of how cute it was that he did that.

but your smile was gone in nearly a second when he got a text message from an unknown number.

you pressed on the number and you were shocked at the texts.

unknown number
round three tonight? 😘

of course. i can't wait. ❤️

unknown number
make sure to bring an extra set of clothes so your girlfriend doesn't notice.

she won't. see you tonight xx

you stood there dumbfounded.

so this is what he's been doing the whole time. no wonder, i had a feeling he was getting tired of this relationship.

taehyung tossed and turned in the bed you two shared. he couldn't sleep. even tho he enjoyed the time he spent with mina, he couldn't but help feel guilty after shouting at you.

you didn't deserve him. you deserved a better guy.

but taehyung was selfish and you were the one who still trusted him.

he groaned as he got up and opened the door to find you.

probably crying on the couch, ill apologize. he thought.

he was surprised to see you gone.
he checked all the rooms and still your presense was gone.

he sighed as he put on his gucci slides and opened the front door to look for any sign of you.

you just stood there with tears streaming down your face as you didn't know what the hell you just read.

"b-but he loved me, right?" you whisper, making it more of a question than a convincing statement.

suddenly the door opened and both of your eyes locked until his eyes landed on your hand, which was holding his phone clearly exposing the messages he had with the unknown number.



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