park jimin ;; home

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"one last time, i need to be the one who takes you home."

pretend there's a gif here bc my wifi is being poopy and won't let me upload a gif ;<

Namjoon's voice went deaf to my ears as my whole world came crashing down.

"I'm sorry y/n." I could barely understand what he said due to my hand shaking and my breath hitching.


Jimin wouldn't.

He wouldn't leave me like this. He was supposed to come home tonight for Christmas. We were supposed to spend time together.

No. Just a few days ago, we were FaceTiming each other and planning all the fun things we would do once he came back home.

But the realization hit me deep.

Jimin had left me with a shattered heart.

4 hours earlier.

"So how's your relationship with Jimin honey?" I sipped on the sweet taste of coffee as I sat with my parents. I lived far away from them and wanted to see them since it had been a while.

I smiled as I recalled all our magical moments together.

"It's been great dad." I sighed as I put my coffee down.

"It's's been a while since I've seen him because of touring. I just really miss him." I looked down into my hands as I frowned. I felt a warm hand over mine and looked up to see my mom with a small smile.

"Cheer up baby, don't forget that he's coming to see you tonight." Unknowingly I smiled, knowing she was right.


"Where are you?" I looked up at my ceiling as I held the phone as close as possible to my ear.

"We're heading to the airport right now, gotta talk to you later y/n." Jimin sounded very tired and he seemed kind of annoyed.

"Okay bye, stay safe and I love y-" the sound of the phone call beep interrupted my sentence, signaling that Jimin had ended the call first.

I frowned and felt my a small tug at my heart. I tried smiling and shaking it off.

"Jimin's just tired from tour that's it. He loves you y/n." I tried convincing myself but deep inside it was beginning to become hard to believe when Jimin had declining my calls lately.

One minute he acted he was in love with me and the next minute he acted like he didn't know me.

I really hoped this was just because of tour and distance.


I sat and looked at the plain Christmas tree in my living room. It hasn't been decorated yet. Jimin and I promised that we would only decorate the tree if we both were doing it and of course Jimin hadn't arrived from his flight yet.

I sat, criss crossed on the couch as I looked at the movies on the tv, but that wasn't on my mind at all. All I could think about was how I would finally be able to be held in Jimin's arms again when he came home.

How he would tell me sweet things and names, even in his sleep. How he would kiss my forehead before he went to sleep. How we would look stupid but have the time of our lives dancing to Christmas songs on the radio.

I felt my phone buzz and soon the ringtone. I quickly turned my attention to my phone, hoping it was about Jimin. And indeed it was.

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