kim namjoon ;; valentines

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February 14.

The day every girl dreams of spending with her boyfriend.

As I woke up, the first thing I saw was Namjoon's peaceful sleeping face and I giggled. His mouth was slightly opened, he was snoring lightly and and his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Joonie wake up-" he stirred and whined.

"More. Sleep." He pulled me closer and I laughed as my face hit his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and I wish time could've stopped. Wished we could've stayed like that forever but unfortunately duty calls.

"We're gonna be late for woooork..." I whined again he whined for more sleep.

"I don't care." I sighed.

"Do you know what day it is?" He stayed silently and I poked his cheeks.

"Joon I said do you know what day it is?" He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"It's Thursday." I opened my mouth but he kissed me on the forehead and got off the bed. I watched as he left the room and huffed.


Namjoon sipped on his coffee while scrolling on his phone and I watched intensely. I tried so many times to give him hints that it was Valentines Day. I even wore a red blouse.

I cleared my throat.

"So..." He hummed and looked up at me. I shifted my weight on my other foot and innocently smiled.

"Today's a special day Joon..." he raised his eyebrow.

"I know that today's Thursday but what's so special about it?" I sighed and decided to tell him as I gave up.

"Just check your phone calendar." He picked up his phone and I watched as his eyes widened. I felt my heart racing.

"So you finally figured out that today is-"

"Holy shit I'm late I got to run!" I stood there completely baffled as he kissed me on the cheek and ran to the door and left.


It was hell at work.

I had to endure watching all the women who worked at my job get surprised with bundles of gifts from their partners while mine forgot what could've possibly been the most important holiday between us.

Social media wasn't any better.

I angrily closed my phone as I got frustrated with all the multiple post of everybody posting a picture of flowers, chocolate, and teddy bears. You name it.

I sighed as I finally finished work and walked out the building. At least I was going home. As I walked towards my car I looked at all the shops that I passed by.

I stopped completely in my tracks when I recognized someone in one of them.

I felt my heart shattering as I saw Joon picking out Valentine's gifts with a girl besides him. He said something to her and she smiled and nodded as she pointed to a bouquet of red roses. He picked them up as she did so.

red roses were my favorite.

Who knew a person could feel hurt, humiliated, heartbroken, angry, and upset all at once. Yet all those feelings were bottled up inside of me as I watched him laugh with the mysterious girl as he picked all the things she wished for. I felt sick to my stomach.

He turned around and I immediately turned around and ran to my car. I didn't know if he saw me or not but I didn't care. All I knew was I could stand the raging jealousy and hurt I felt knowing that he was spending Valentine's Day with another girl.

30 mins later

I tried normalizing my breath but it had been an hour and I still couldn't stop crying. My phone kept buzzing but I didn't want to answer it.

I looked in the mirror and saw how bad I truly looked. My eyes were bloodshot and puffed from crying. My cheeks were red as well. To sum it up, I looked horrible.

I finally decided to check my phone

joonie bby

joonie bby

joonie bby
answer me please.

joonie bby
I know it was you who ran away, I recognized the red blouse. Please just hear me out because it's COMPLETELY not what you think it is.

joonie bby
oh my god please just answer me im so worried. baby you know i love you so so so much. i would never do anything to hurt you in any way.

joonie bby
im coming over.

I sighed as I closed my phone. How in the world was I going to face him looking like I just had crawled out of hell?

Just then, there was a knock on the door. I felt the dread in my guts as I knew exactly who it was. I silently walked to the door and stood there. I didn't open it. I just stood there.

"Baby." My heart broke at the nickname he called me. He sounded so sad that it was obvious he had been crying on the way home.

I didn't respond.

"Please open the door and let me explain. Trust me it's not at all what you think." My brain screamed at me to not open the door yet my heart was begging for me to be in his arms again.

"Go away." My voice sounded fragile and I mentally punched myself. I hated to sound weak in front of him.

"Please." Again, I chose not open the door but I was very close to. I sighed making my final decision as I turned around and slowly walked away.

"She was my cousin!" I stopped. My mind crashed and it felt like nothing was comprehending anymore.

"She was my cousin! I know it might be hard to believe from what you saw but I needed help knowing what to get you. I had to pretend like I didn't know what today was so I could surprise you but it obviously failed." My voice whimpered as I felt the guilty rushing in my body. My poor baby.

"Please..I just- I wont ever do this again.." his pleas became a slight sob and I rushed to the door. I opened it and saw the presents earlier that the mysterious girl chose in his hands waiting for me.

He instantly hugged me the moment I opened the door and I let myself melt in his arms.

"Joonie I am so sorry. I didn't mean to act like this." I looked at his eyes that were filled with tears.

"It's fine." His cheeks were pink and his eyes were swollen. I laughed and he looked at me confusingly.

"Look at us. We're supposed to be bonding on a holiday meant for couples yet instead we're arguing about a stupid thing." He slowly smiled as he rested his head against mine and kissed my forehead.

"Happy Valentines Day."


Who even likes these crappy scenarios anymore lolololol


it's been a while and as usual it's because of school T_T i wish I had more time to write for y'all ;< but I'll try harder !!

Also for my kdrama lovers,

Do y'all have any recommendations??

I just finished love after school series and it was gUDDD skkKSK

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