kim taehyung ;; silent treatment

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김 태형

I sighed in annoyance as Taehyung continued to laugh on the phone

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I sighed in annoyance as Taehyung continued to laugh on the phone. He and a female producer at his company had been hanging out and talking a lot lately.

I would have no problem with just that. But the fact that he was forgetting our dates and has been paying less attention made me upset.

"Adora do you want to grab lunch real quick after my studio session?" I felt the veins in my body almost pop out.

Had he forgotten that tomorrow was our date in the afternoon. Seriously?

"Taehyung." He continued to talk to Adora as he either ignored or didn't hear me.

"Yeah I just need to talk to you about som-" I sighed.

"Taehyung." He finally looked up at me and I signaled to him that we had to talk. He rolled his eyes and I could practically feel mine too.

"Yeah sorry y/n wants to talk. See you tomorrow." He ended the phone call and looked up at me annoyed.

"What?" I gave up with his attitude and huffed.

"What? You mean what is up with you lately?"

"What do you mean, if anything what's up with you lately?" I scoffed as I got off our bed.

"What's wrong with me is that I've been upset with you lately. You've been hanging out with that girl so much that you've practically forgotten I exist." I crossed my arms and Taehyung squinted at me as he got off the bed as well in defense.

"Are you kidding me now y/n? She's just a friend, why are you being so jealous? Can I not have any contact with females?"

"No but-"

He stepped in front of me as he interrupted me.

"You know, Adora is actually a pretty chill person to hang out with. She doesn't act clingy or get jealous often at her boyfriend, im sure. It'd be nice for you to take notes." He rolled his eyes and I stood there absolutely enraged.

"Yeah well, maybe her boyfriend wouldn't forget that their date was planned the afternoon he wants to hang out with another chick." Taehyung let out a soft gasp as I brushed past his shoulder and out the room.

"I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." I slammed the door on the way out and felt the anger, disappointment, and sadness leave my body through the tears streaming down my cheeks.

That night, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. Mostly because of the fact that I'm so used to Taehyung cuddling with me as we fall asleep. But not tonight. What he did was wrong.

He basically compared me to her.

He wants me stop being clingy and jealous? Fine.


The next day after I woke up and did my morning routine, I went down to the kitchen to get something to eat before work.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw Taehyung making breakfast which was unusual since I usually was the one to prepare breakfast.

I yawned and he turned around. I could see his puffy red eyes and I felt the urge to hug him but stopped myself. "Morning!" He sounded different from the past few days and I knew he wanted to be forgiven.

I ignored him and I walked past him to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I heard him sigh as he placed the food on the table. "Y/n I'm really sorry for last night."

"I didn't mean to compare you to her at all or even make you feel upset! I'm sorry I've been a horrible boyfriend lately..." I continued to ignore him as I walked to my room to get changed for work.

1 week later.

I was still sleeping in the guest room and I didn't know when I was gonna forgive Taehyung. He really hurt my feelings and I know he was sorry but I still didn't know what to do.

Of course I was still ignoring him.

I felt the urge to pee and looked at the time to see it was 2'oclock and I sighed knowing I couldn't sleep. I got up and went to use the bathroom.

After I finished, I walked back to my room but stopped when I heard whimpers. I walked to the room Taehyung and I shared and listened.

"Hyung, I'm so miserable. She's mad at me and I'm really sorry and wish I could show her how but I can't. She won't listen to me and ignores me and I know how she felt now. I cant kiss, talk, or hug her and it's killi-" he stopped and started sobbing again and I knew that I was ready.

I slowly opened the door and saw his back faced towards me. He couldn't hear me due to his whimpers and sobs. I got on the bed and hugged his back.

"Please stop crying Taehyung." He turned around and his eyes widened. He ended the phone call immediately and engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so so sorry y/n. I know how you felt and I'm a terrible boyfriend." I smiled and wiped his tears as I caressed his cheek. I kissed his forehead.

"You can be an idiot sometimes but I wouldn't wish for any other person in the world." Taehyung smiled he sniffed and kissed my forehead.

"I really thought I lost you."

"Never. I'm all yours."


hi guys, so here's the imagine i promised! in case you didn't see my announcement on my profile (which you should check just Incase I need to announce anything )

I'm trying to release a new imagine every Saturday! Despite my busy schedule now, I'm trying hard for you guys ;))

So pls forgive me if I don't because I forget or get too busy 💗

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