jeon jeongguk ;; what about us?

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"jungkook?" i stuck my head in the recording room.

it was 2 am and we should be in bed right now but i heard jungkook groaning, probably frustrated so i went to go check up on him.

he either was too frustrated to hear me or he completely ignored me.

"babe, when are you coming to sleep?" i asked softly.

"i don't know y/n. just go to sleep ill be there when you wake up..." he mumbled

i frowned. jungkook has been staying up late, too caught up with work to even make time for us or to even go to bed with me and i was starting to get upset about it.

"please stop working so hard jungkook, it's okay. lets just go to sleep." i walked over to persuade him but i accidentally tripped on a wire which lead to me bumping into the table where all the papers on the music he was working on.

which ultimately lead me to cause a huge mess.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N I TOLD YOU TO GO TO SLEEP BUT NO YOU COULDNT LISTEN AND NOW EVERYTHING IS OUT OF ORDER." His voice boomed throughout the room and I sat on the floor with a hurt butt and beating heart.

"I'm sorry jungkook i didn't mean to caus-"


i looked down in guilt and shame. maybe he was right. his work is important and i shouldn't have messed with his stuff. but he also hurt my feelings a lot.

i nodded and kept my head down, just so he wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes. i walked slowly out the room and once i was out of there, i ran to our bedroom and dug my face in my pillow and cried my heart out.

once i finished crying, i went to the window and looked out. seeing the trees and the glimmer of the moonlight shining in our room helped calm me down a lot.

a few minutes later i heard the door break open.


i stayed silent. otherwise I would've sobbed again or exploded on him, either one was sure to make everything worse.

"baby let me apologize..."

that was it.

he tried to hold my hand but i snatched it away and looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"apologize for what jungkook?
apologize for yelling at me or for not listening to me in the first place?" i glared at him

"everything. im really sorry. i know i haven't been the best boyfriend these days but work has been so stressful for me and i didn't mean to let it out in you."

i understood how he felt but i still felt betrayed and hurt. he was acting like i was just a pest instead of his girlfriend lately and it made me sad.

"work..." i mumbled

"what about us?" i looked at him in the eyes and my voice cracked as i said those words.

i sighed and closed my eyes.

"you never have time for me anymore jungkook, it's always about work but when can it be about us for once?"


i was obviously taken by surprise as he said those words and grabbed my hands and pulled me down in the bed.

"jungkook!" i whispered-screamed.

"shh, ill make it up to you tonight."

"but do-" i was cut off when he smashed his lips into mine, making me moan slightly. he deepened the kiss and things got heated from there. from small delicate kisses into a  intense kiss with jungkook placing marks all over my neck.

i pulled away and we caught our breaths.

"i missed you."

"i know and im sorry, but tonight ill show you the world." he pulled me in again for another kiss



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