kim seokjin ;; promise

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the pic lmaoo

you wiped your tear as you drove to your old apartment that you used to live in with your ex, kim seokjin. jin for short.

long story short, you guys were at a party and you went upstairs just to see him making out with another girl while he was drunk.

you knew he didn't mean to and he even begged you to stay but you couldn't see his face after experiencing you heart shatter to pieces.

"calm down y/n it's just five minutes to get your stuff and you'll be long gone..." you tried reassuring yourself,

truth is you were extremely nervous to see him again. you didn't know if he was there or not but you didn't want to call him after ignoring all of his reaching out to you.

you arrived at his apartment and gulped as you knocked on his door and waited patiently.

your anger grew as you waited for five minutes and still were no responses.

fuck this I don't care I need my stuff

you grabbed his extra key from under the mat you were standing on and let yourself inside.

at first you thought you heard a weird noise when you were going to his room to get your clothes.

you opened your door and nearly screamed.

jin was holding a gun to his head. he opened his eyes when he heard the door open and dropped the gun as he slumped on his knees and looked at you with the most heartbroken eyes you ever saw from him.

"KIM FUCKING SEOKJIN WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?!" You screamed as you ran towards him and without realizing it you hugged him tight. He hugged you and smelled the scent he was longing for so long.

"I'm sorry y/n, I deserve it. After breaking your heart. I deserve everything bad right now. I'm so sorry."

You didn't answer but you broke into a sob as he held you tightly.

"Y-you idiot! Were you thinking of what would've happen if you killed yourself?"

You paused and sniffed

"Who would I be then? Without you?" You let go and took a good look at him and your heart broke a little at his figure.

He was obviously more skinner, pale, and there were dark circles under his eyes suggesting he couldn't get sleep for the past few weeks.

"Look at you...your such a mess..." you whispered.

He looked at the floor.

"Just go y/n take your stuff and leave. I'll be fine."

"What? No."

"Just fucking leave!"

You took a step back, surprised at his shout.

"Don't you see all I do his hurt you?" He shouted.

You took a step forward as you put your hand on his cheek.


He looked at you.


"I said no Jin."


"Because I know now that what you did, you didn't mean it. I know that, that wasn't the jin I actually loved."

You saw a tear come out of his eye.

"That wasn't the jin that gave me back hugs when I cooked breakfast in the morning, that wasn't the jin that cooked delicious food for us for dinner, that wasn't the jin that always sang..."

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