Chapter 4: Exposition!

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"A tail, heh? I think I know why you're here. Although I guess I could've gathered as much just from the hair. He looks just like you, you know?" The old man no longer looked angry, but instead he appeared pleased.
"Well come, you wanna meet your kid don't you?" The man began walking down the path, with Bardock scrambling after him.
"Wait! How'd you know I was here?! How'd you know about my kid?! Who's Goku?!" Bardock had more questions then he had time.
"One at a time sonny." The old man chuckled. "Us earthlings posses the ability to sense a being's power level without the use of a scouter. And you're last two questions are near one and the same. When that pod landed there eleven years ago, I was the one that found it. After all, I live on the other side of the mountain. I found a baby inside. He had hair just like yours, and a tail to boot. I named him Goku, not knowing his real name. But now I have a question for you. Goku has never left my property, and has never met anyone who isn't me. So how'd you know his name?" Bardock pondered on wether or not he should tell the truth, and decided to make a deal.
"All right old man, I'll tell you on two conditions. First off, you tell me your name. I'm sick of calling people things based off appearance alone. And second off, you tell me how this planets still in one piece." Bardock requested.
"My name is Gohan. And as for the condition of our rock, I'm afraid I don't understand." Gohan answered.
"My son and I are part of an alien race known as saiyans. We were an essential part of of the Frieza Force. As part of training, the children are sent to far off planets with low average power levels to kill all life on said planet. By all technicality,Kakarrot should have at least attempted to kill everyone on this rock. He was programmed to do so." Bardock responded, ignoring the painful memories. Gohan failed to hide his shocked expression.
"Would that programming be in the head by any chance? Because if so then I have an answer, and a follow up question." Bardock simply nodded, silently urging 'Gohand' to go on.
"He was very aggressive as a boy. Always fighting me. It was one day, on a walk to show him his pod in hopes of calming him down, when he bit me and fell off the cliff, hitting his head on the very rock you stood on. I rushed down, and carried him back home, surprised he was alive. I nursed him back to health, and not even a week later, he woke, good as new. But surprisingly, he had no further aggression. So I'm guessing that blow knocked your 'programming' out of him. And now my question: What do you plan to do after finding him? Do you plan to go through with your original plan? If so, I'm afraid I'll have to stop you." Gohan said, taking a defensive stance.
"Well here's the thing 'Gohand'. The Frieza Force that I mentioned, well they betrayed us. Frieza took all of my races hard work and loyalty and paid us back in our own blood. So I have no intentions of ever doing anything for that bastard ever again." Bardock answered, seething with rage. Gohan was surprised. 'So this beast does have a heart. Surprising.'
"Well I held up my end. So tell me. How'd you know Goku's name?" Gohan asked gently, allowing the saiyan time to wallow in his past.
"It was my last assignment. My squad and I were to wipe out planet Kanassa. We got all but one of them. That one 'gifted' me with occasional visions of things yet to come. And in one such premonition, I saw you. All you said was 'Goku... Begin!' And then it ended. It's how I knew to leave my planet before Frieza destroyed it." Bardock explained.
"Worry not, saiyan. You'll see your son soon. But what's the tail do for you?" Gohan asked inquisitively.
"Well see, if a saiyan who has their tail absorbs enough blutz waves emitted from a full moon, they can turn into the Oozaru. A great ape. Ten times stronger then an ordinary saiyan. Guessing you make Kakarrot go to bed early." Bardock answered. He didn't care what the old man named him. He would use his son's proper name, not caring what anyone else thought.
"We're here." Gohan said suddenly. Bardock looked up to see a small house nestled in the valley. Outside was a small boy wearing a blue outfit who was throwing wood up into the air, and kicking them into pieces.
"Goku!" Yelled Gohan.
"We have a visitor!" The small child stopped and stared at the strange tall man who followed his grandpa. Goku didn't know who this man was, but he knew he smelt... familiar.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,030
Kaka-Goku: 10
Grandpa Gohan: 150

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