Chapter 52: Revelations

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Using his new four arm style, Tien was proving to be a match for Goku's increased power. He grabs all four of the saiyan's limbs and holds him in the air. He tries to headbutt the young boy, but Goku proceeds to smack his opponent repeatedly in the face with his tail. Goku chuckles.
"Ok, to beat your four arms, then I'll have to get...eight arms!" And sure enough, it appears as though Goku has eight arms. Bardock chuckles. He's just waving his arms quickly, but to the casual observer it seems as though the saiyan has eight arms. With this new illusion, Goku quickly beat Tien senseless. As soon as he created some distance by kicking the larger man away, Tien retracts his extra two arms. Tien then yells.
"This next attack will most likely kill you. So dodge it." Then Tien flies up. Bardock scoffs.
"What a weird bluff." Goku must have agreed, for he didn't move. Tien put his hands together.
'That's a lot of ki. Shit, that's a huge amount of ki. Maybe he wasn't bluffing.'
Tien is done charging. He screams for the world to hear.
"TRI BEAM!!!" The light is blinding. When the light faded and the dust settles, the arena is gone. In its place is a square hole in the ground. But that was a familiar ki signature. Kakarot dodged after all. By going straight up. He is now flush with Tien.
Bardock can't hear them, but Kakarot is moving his mouth.
"Hm. Glad I dodged. That probably would have hurt. But what's your plan now? We can both fly. Do we just wait till one of us runs outta juice? Or...." Goku puts his hands together. Bardock groans. He can't hear him, but it was obvious what he is doing. A kamehameha won't work. It's failed thus far. So why would he try it now?
He was almost done charging it, when both Tien and Bardock were shocked to see him turn around.
"Ha!" The beam sends Kakarot sailing towards Tien, who is too exhausted to move. The young saiyan head-butts him directly in the chest. They both go flying. The announcer looks panicked, before grabbing a capsule.
"I'll go see who lands first, and keep you all updated!" He races off. Bardock, as casually as he possibly can, flys straight up and goes after them. He watches as they both soar far far away. Goku slows his fall. He didn't use all his power in that blast! Tien slams into the road next to him, as Goku lands on top of a car. Bardock grins and floats down toward the two fighters.
"Hey. Ten. You aren't bad at all. Keep up the training. And Kakarot. Well done." Bardock watches BT employees swarm the scene, bringing the fighters back to the arena.
Bardock flys back.
Roshi looks up at him.
"Heh! Well? Who won?"
"I'll let him tell you." Bardock chuckles. As if on cue, the announcer's voice come through the boxes surrounding the area.
"HE'S DONE IT!!! SON GOKU HAS ONCE AGAIN WON THE BUDOKAI TENKAICHI!!!" The crowd explodes with cheers and applause. After the festivities die down, the team met up once more, and this time Tien and Chiaotzu tagged along.
"Hey Tien. You can have half the money. I don't really need it." Goku offered. Krillin had giving up his own dōgi once more, given that Goku's was once again trashed. Tien smiled politely.
"Thank you. I'll take you up on that offer. How would you guys like to go grab some food?" Tien offered, warming up to his one time foe. But Goku shook his head.
"I would like to, but I have to go grab my stuff." Krillin waved him off.
"Don't be silly. You must be exhausted. I'll go grab them." He sauntered off to the possessions room. Goku smiled. Tien turned his attention to Yamcha, who was on crutches.
"I apologize for treating you in the way I did. I was blinded by my desire." He bowed. Yamcha shrugged.
"Hey don't sweat it. These things happen. It's not like you killed me or anything." Tien then turned to focus all three eyes on Bardock.
"You're Goku's father, right? I thank you for allowing him to fight." Bardock scoffed, leaning up against a tree.
"Don't thank me pal. He's the one who wants to fight everything under the sun." That third eye of his made Bardock uncomfortably.
Roshi focused on the two students of his rival.
"Heh! So where are you two off to now? If you ever need a place to stay, my door is always open." Tien nodded.
"I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. We shall go live off somewhere on our own. Maybe make that dream come true..." before anyone could ask as to what dream the 20 year old held, a scream cut through the air.
"GYAAAAA!" Everyone started sprinting towards the source. Goku got there first. He entered the possessions room, followed closely by everyone else. On the floor lay Krillin. Next to him lay the announcer. Goku sprinted to his downed friend.
"Krillin! What happened!" The announcer slowly managed to raise his head.
" your wallet...and the list of registered fighters...flew away..." Goku stood up, still glaring at his prone ally.
"He's dead."
"Krillin tried to stop the monster... he was struck down in an instant."
"DAMN IT ALL!!!" Goku yelled. His hair appeared to stand up for a split second. His ki surged.
'What was that? That power!' Bardock was awestruck. In that one moment, Kakarot's Power was close to his own!
Goku snatched the power pole off the ground and yelled again.
"Dragon Radar!" Bulma hastily pulled it from her pocket. In a flash, Goku snatched it and jumped out the window.
"Heh! Wait you damn fool!" Roshi cried.
"Nimbus!" And he was gone.
"Hey...what's this piece of paper?" Oolong asked. Bardock had forgotten he was here. But Roshi took one look at the piece of paper and gasped.
"Piccolo!" Bardock stared wide eyed at him.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,620
Goku: 460
Goku(holding back): 200
Goku("full power"): 350
Goku(split-second surge): 11,500
Krillin(3 years later): Dead. Number 1.
Yamcha(Wounded): 200
Master Roshi(3 years later): 300
Bulma(3 years later): 4
Blonde Launch: 14
Tien Shinhan: 300
Four Armed Tien: 350
Chiaotzu: 250

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