Chaper Epilogue: Peace

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One day later- Timeskip!

The "Dragon Team", as Bulma had christened them, walked hurriedly through the center of a grassy field. Their capsule plane had gotten them this far.
"Hey're sure this is the place?" Krillin asked nervously, adjusting his tie. She was the only one of them who had seen it, after all. She nodded.
"Yup. It's just up ahead. It's not that big, so don't miss it!" She continued walking through the grass, hiking her fancy dress up. Behind her walked Roshi, who also was wearing a suit. In fact, all of them were dressed to their best. After coming over a hill, they saw it: a row of chairs arranged in front of a floral arch. Standing closest to the flowers stood two tall men, one in a black suit, and one in white. The one in black was fixing the white one's tie and grumbling loudly. He turned his head and saw the Dragon Team. The white suited one waved and jogged over. It was Goku. He looked...actually, he made the suit work. He didn't seem like he was bothered that much. Bardock, on the other hand, hated his black suit. He had actually taken his bandana off, but assured everyone it was just for the occasion. They walked back and sat down on the benches. It would start soon.
Then, the music started. Playing the piano was Dr. Briefs, suited up for the occasion. First in, as per tradition, was Bardock. He had grumbled about this, but didn't want to ruin his son's big day. Close behind him walked Goku in his pure white suit. Behind him walked Kami. He wore his traditional attire, the only one not dressed up. Behind Kami walked all of the Dragon Team. After then walked in Launch, carrying flowers. Then came Puar, wearing a tie. Following Puar was everybody Goku had invited to his wedding. They quickly filed in, as then the music changed. Down the center aisle now walked the Ox-King in his massive suit, and at his side walked Chi-Chi, fitted in her mother's wedding dress. Everything was ready, the stage was set. And to the (surprise)joy of everyone there, the wedding went off without a hitch. Having Kami as the officiant disturbed some, but intimidated others. Maybe more so then the best man of the event, Bardock. Seeing his scarred, rippled physique standing at his son's side quieted all dissent. And thus, under the eyes of people they had once called enemies, Son Goku and Chi-Chi were wed. Unbeknownst to them all, nearly 100 ft away stood an ominous figure. He stood on top of a tree and watched the proceedings with his narrowed eyes. He hadn't dressed up, after all he hadn't planned to show up. But here stood Piccolo Jr., the day after his crushing defeat. In his hands he was clutching a crumpled paper. It was an invite to the very occasion that lie before him. It was handwritten by Goku and it explained that Chi-Chi probably wouldn't want him to show up. And yet... Piccolo couldn't quite explain why he had come at all. He didn't plan to ruin this. He knew he didn't stand a chance against Goku as they were now. So yes. Piccolo would give him this day. But on another maybe....

Two weeks later- Timeskip!
Bardock stepped back and took a deep breathe. He turned his head and saw Goku doing as he had been. They were both building a house. Chi-Chi had argued that the couple needed a place to stay, permanently. Goku happily agreed. So using a years worth of prize money, Bardock and Goku bought a capsule home and a truckload of materials to build a more traditional home. They toiled tirelessly. Ox-King came around every now and then to lend a hand. They were making good progress, but that was probably because two saiyans were doing it. Bardock didn't mind the manual labor. Gave him something to do. He had acknowledged that Goku had earned himself at least a short break from training to defeat the next threat. But that didn't stop Goku from racing his father to build the house. Goku chose the location for it. It was right next to where Goku had grown up. Gohan's house. And it was peaceful.

Four months later- Timeskip!
The house was finished. It was nice. Bardock had his own room with a window. And yet... he get uncomfortable. Like he was intruding. Like...he was supposed to be somewhere else. Bardock opened his window and hopped out. He closed it behind him and flew away. A short time after he left, Goku poked his head in.
"Hey dad- oh. Never mind then." Goku shrugged and walked to his bedroom, wondering what Chi-Chi wanted to show him. And why she wanted Bardock to leave.

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