Chapter 16: FryPan Mountain

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Hours later, after one stretch break and one bathroom break, the crew had arrived at the foot of FryPan Mountain. No amount of visions could have prepared Bardock for the heat.

"Kami all mighty why is it so stinking hot!?" Bardock exclaimed while wringing out his armbands of his own sweat. Bulma and Goku looked at the flaming mountain in front of them, flabbergasted by the sight of a mountain completely in flames. Bulma held up her radar, as is double checking to insure that the Dragonball was truly in there. Unfortunately, the radar had yet to be wrong.

"Guess I could just fly up there on my Nimbus and look around for it." Goku said while looking around as if to find a less flaming route. As Kakarot flew around, Bardock calmly walked around, sweating like a pig. Although Oolong actually wasn't sweating, it's the only expression involving sweat he knew. As Kakarot tried and failed to enter the castle, Bardock sensed a fairly large power level approaching. Well, for an earthling. He began walking towards the strong man, who was yelling at Burma. He got within earshot as Kakarot entered the conversation.

"My flying nimbus? I got it from an old man called... uh..." Goku said, unable to recall. Bardock decided to pitch in.

"He called himself Rosho. Or Rossi. Something like that." Bardock had always been terrible with non-saiyan names.

"Oh! You met master Roshi?! Where?!" And hey, isn't that the Power Pole on your back?! Do you know Gohan?!" The large men yelled excitedly. Upon hearing the name of his foster parent, Goku's face lit up.

"You knew my grandpa?!" Goku exclaimed. Bardock was awed that that old timer knew so many people so far away.

"Of course! He and I trained together under Master Roshi! Since you have that, could you do something for me?" The large man asked.
Bardock didn't exactly trust him, but he seemed friendly enough.

"Hey uh, Mister Ox-King... do you have any of these in your large castle?" Bulma held up a dragonball for him to see.

"Oh! I think I do remember seeing one of those things around! If you go and retrieve the bansho fan from Master Roshi's house, I'll give you it as payment!" The Box-Ring told Kakarot.
As he prepared to disembark, the Mox-Bing called out.

"Oh uh one more thing. I didn't think I'd resolve this so easily, so I sent my daughter out to try and find him. If you find her, could you bring her back?" He asked, pulling a picture out of his pocket. Goku studied it before the Ox-Ling handed it to Bardock. As he grabbed it, he briefly touched his finger.

"Goku! You promised me! You swore to marry me!" a beautiful woman with long black hair was screaming at a taller Goku. He was standing, dumbfounded.

Bardock handed the photo back as if nothing happened. "Cute kid. We'll find her. On my word as a father." Bardock said solemnly. He understood completely the need to find a child. Hell, he chased his across the galaxy. And with that, the two saiyans were off. There had only flown a short while before Bardock spotted her.

"Hey Kakarot. Ain't that her down there? He called. Kakarot looked before shrugging and flying next to her. Bardock landed close by.

"Hi! Is your name Chi-Chi?" Goku asked the small girl. She looked at him surprised.
"Wow, everyone knows my name today." She muttered, earning a suspicious glance from Bardock.

"Your dad sent us to find you. Now we'll go to Master Roshi's place and pick up the Bansho Fan." Goku called. Chi-Chi grabbed Goku's tail for support. Goku let out a pained groan but stood standing. 'Good. He's been training like I've taught him to.' After flying a short distance, Bardock noticed a minor disturbance on the nimbus cloud, followed by the girl yelling and pushing Kakarot off the cloud. The cloud began spinning out of control and Bardock made a split second decision. He had to chose wether to prevent Kakarot from hitting the ground, or to prevent the girl from hitting a mountain. He chose the girl, as he knew Kakarot would live. Bardock flew right in front of the mountain, causing her to smash in to him.

"What should we name him?" A teenage woman asked someone behind her. She was holding an infant. The person walked forwards and Bardock was shocked as the man looked almost identical to himself. But there was something off. This must be... "Well Goku, what to you think?" She asked, startling Bardock out of his vision.

"Hey dad! Are you ok?" Kakarot called, watching his father float in the air as if stunned from the force of a small girl hurtling into his arms. Bardock shook himself out of it. 'What the hell was that?! Was that Kakarot?! Who was the chick?! Was that the same chick from earlier?! Was that his kid?! I have so many questions!!!' 

"Yeah sorry bout that!" We better get going right?" Bardock asked, hoping his son wouldn't ask much more. Unsurprisingly, he didn't. Kakarot was like that. Not a single trace of suspicion in him. He'd have to fix that. Later. The team was now over the ocean, where Kakarot asked a friendly dolphin for directions.
Chi-Chi kept giggling under her breath, triggering Bardock's curosity. But before he had much time to think on it, they could see the island. And outside of the simple house was the old man himself.... sweeping? On a island? You do you I guess. As the crew touched down, the old man looked up.

"Heh! Wondering when you would arrive! Took ya long enough, eh Goku?" Roshi called out, confident the boy had finished his quest.

"Hi ya old timer! We need your Bansho Fan!" Goku called, innocent as ever. A dark look fell soon the old mans face.

"My... Bansho.... what?" He asked suspiciously.

' Oh great. More hurdles.' Bardock thought as the old man dropped the broom.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,436
Goku: 19
Master Roshi: 139

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