Chapter 53: Resurrections

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Bardock began sprinting. He remembered Piccolo. The devil emperor. The one who would kill Roshi. The one who did kill Krillin. Maybe even Kakarot would die. But Bardock couldn't allow that. So he gave chase to his furious son, hot on the trail of an unknown murderer. There he was. A green winged demon wannabe normally wouldn't hold a candle to Kakarot, but he was exhausted from the tournament. Bardock arrived just in time to see the demon destroy Kakarot's cloud, and then lock eyes with Bardock.
"I've been warned of you. They say you are even stronger then your kid. But if that was him, then you can't be that tough." The demon cackled. Bardock grit his teeth.
"Listen. Lotta stuff has been set in motion, otherswise I'd kill you right now. So return to your master. And tell him he'll regret ever waking up." Bardock shot a ki blast, purposely missing, but still close enough to make the demon flinch. The demon heeded the advice and scrammed. Bardock descended immediately. With Kakarot as weak as he was right now, it would be hard to find him. Bardock searched long and hard. But the expanse of woods stretched for miles, and Kakarot was nowhere in sight. He had searched all night and found nothing. He landed, disheartened.
"Kami, please be alive. Please. Find me." Bardock groaned.
"Uh mister? Could you lend a hand?" Bardock turned to see a fat man carrying a large fish. Bardock grunted. Couldn't hurt, right? He grabbed the fish and helped the man skewer it. Before long, it was cooking nicely. They sat around the fire wordlessly.
"So uh... thanks for the help. I'll give you part of the fish once it's done. My name is Yajirobe. I'm a martial artist." Bardock didn't even look at him. Yajirobe stood up.
"Well...I'm going to take a leak. Make sure nothing eats the fish." And he was gone, leaving Bardock to his thoughts.
He sat there, unmoving for sometime, before a rustling in the bushes got his attention. Bardock went to investigate, and was shocked to see an exhausted Kakarot.
"You're alive! Thank Kami! Come here! Eat this!" Bardock practically force fed his son the massive fish. By the end of it, the entire fish was gone, but Kakarot was very much alive. They hugged. This touching moment could've lasted longer, but Yajirobe returned.
"Hey! Where'd the fish go?! And who's the kid?!" Bardock stood up.
"Sorry bout the fish. I'll catch you a new one in a minute. This is my son." Goku stepped forth and nodded.
"Oh. Well... guess I'll wait here while you get me a new fish." Yajirobe sat on the ground. Bardock grunted, but right before he took off, something landed behind him.
"Hey! You three! Any of you see an orange rock with some stars on it?" Bardock turned around to see another wannabe demon. This one was much fatter then the one that destroyed the nimbus. Goku launched into an attack, not giving it time to prepare. The dragon-lookalike, surprised by this event, was slammed into the ground, where Goku quickly blasted him with ki.
' His mastery over his own ki is growing. Kami, he's gonna be a true power house soon enough.'
The dragon couldn't even pull himself out of the ground before Goku leapt into the air, then slamming his knee down on the enemies throat. The dragon began chocking. Goku wasn't holding much back. He was pissed about Krillin. This guy wasn't the killer, but he was a friend of him. Goku didn't care. He ripped the wings off the dragon, preventing him from fleeing. He had only one option remaining. Kakarot swiftly wrapped himself around the beast, snapping his neck. He slumped to the floor as Gou bounced up happily.
"Man, I feel good! I can't wait to find that murderer!" Bardock was stunned by the display of power. The beast never got a chance to react. He almost get bad for the beast. Almost. The two saiyans then watched as Yajirobe, who had stayed silent this far, grabbed the beast and dragged it over to his fire. He began cooking it. The two watched in amazement. He didn't waste any time. In cooking or eating. Only minutes have passed, and the only proof that the dragon/demon had existed at all was a charred set of bones next to a fire.
"I'm still hungry. Got any more?" Yajirobe asked, breaking the silence. Bardock chuckled.
"Well, If you keep hanging on to that Dragonball, people like that will keep showing up." Yajirobe shifted his robes to show the one star ball around his neck.
"Hey, how'd you know?" He was shocked. He hadn't shown anyone that.
"Well. I don't have a Dragonball. My kid's Dragonball was taken from him. That demon was looking for a ball. Stands to reason it could only be you." Goku looked up to his dad.
"Dad? How do you do that? You're really good at guessing things, aren't you?" Bardock was quite grateful he wore this bandana now, otherwise Kakarot would've seen the beads of sweat forming.
"Yeah. Yeah I am. I guess." Bardock chuckled nervously. He would have loved to turn the conversation back to the Dragonball, but Yajirobe has a question.
"Uh...if you're so good at guessing, what's that?" He pointed up at a growing figure. No. Not growing, getting closer. It was green. It looked like...
"That's the one. The bastard who killed Krillin!" Goku snarled. He flew up off the ground.
"COME HERE YOU COWARD!!!" He screamed, getting it's attention. The demon wannabe set foot on the ground.
"Hey...I killed you."
"If you thought you could kill me, you're even stupider then I thought."
Goku hadn't a glimmer of a smile. He appeared behind the demon, fist already flying. The demon hit the ground, leaving a trench in the dirt. He brought his hands together in a trademark fashion.
"This one's for Krillin. Ka me ha me ha!" The beam curved upwards, narrowly avoiding the trees. It carried the demon with it. There wasn't even enough left of him to eat. Bardock straightened up, having leaned against a tree.
"Well well Kakarot. You're good. I don't think anyone could hold a candle to you."
Goku turned and looked up above his father.
"Well... maybe one could." Bardock followed his son's gaze, only to see a massive purple airship.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,620
Goku: 460
Goku(exhausted): 20
Goku(enraged because demon): 500
Krillin(3 years later): Dead. Number 1.
Yajirobe: 350
Cymbol(the fatter first demon): 300/Dead.
Tambourine(Killer of Krillin): 400/Dead.

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