Chapter 48: Training!

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Author's note-
*What in the name of Kami was Toriyama thinking? Giving a three year time skip and  just saying "Goku trained hard". Well, now I feel obligated to full in those gaps. So this chapter will probably be a bit heavy with the time skips. Just warning ya. It took me 28 chapters to go 1 year, and now I gotta do 3 years in one chapter?! And isn't it the same amount of time after the KP arc to the next TB? Stop jumping multiple years at a time!

Almost one week later:
They had been running and swimming for almost a full week. They were taking a breather. They didn't take many. Most of their time was spent either traveling or sparring. It was relaxing almost. Almost. Then the screams started. Kakarot took off full speed. Bardock followed. This training was for him. He was just here to watch out during the night for dangers, and to be a sparring partner during the day and maybe, just maybe, be a father. Bardock crested the hill to see Goku standing alone against a group of armed marauders. One of them wore clothing familiar to the saiyans.
"So. You Part of that Bed Sibling Marble?" Goku called him out. The man looked at him confused.
"Uh, what?" He had a gruff voice.
"You know! The bad army guys!" Goku sucked even worse then Bardock at remembering names.
"You mean the Red Ribbon Army?" The man asked, confounded.
"Oh yeah, that's it! My dad said nobody will cry for you guys so..." Goku kicked him and his friend into the rocky crag behind them, then whipped back around and grabbed one of the guns with his tail, throwing it into the air. He dodged gunfire and drove his fist into the now unarmed man, before grabbing his power pole with one swift motion, knocking back the last two armed men hard. Not a single one would rise again. Oh well. Kakarot approached the source of the screams.
"Hey lady. You ok?" She nodded slowly, still in shock. Goku smiled.
"Ok! Let's keep going dad!" He took a few steps before she started speaking.
"But-But what if they come back?" She was on the brink of tears.
"They won't. I made sure." Goku replied casually, as though murdering five people at once was normal. For these two? Well, it wasn't uncommon.
"But there's more. That was only a few of them. She said, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh cool. Well where's the rest?" She pointed to a mountain way off in the distance.
"Even by plane it would take you two days to reach those mountains, and then you would have to find it."
"Tell your friends in a week, nobody bad will come out of those mountains ever again. Come on dad!" And he was off. So very Kakarot of him. Oh well. Bardock followed.

Three days later:
"Man, stupid rain. Let's find a cave or something." Goku stated. The two saiyans had made it to the mountains, and had just started looking when the rain started. The two rarely slowed down, most of the time keeping whatever pace Goku set, and that boy was driven. They did eventually find a cave. It wasn't big. But big enough for them both to squeeze into. Goku started doing push-ups. Bardock sat with his back against the wall. He chuckled dryly. He was lost in his memories.
"Hey dad! Does this wall look funny to you?" Goku pointed to a section of the cave wall that did in fact look funny. Goku punched the funny wall. A loud noise shook the cave. The cave started rumbling. Then it lowered. The cave had been the doormat to a massive cavern. And in this cavern stood armed men. Lots of armed men. Maybe hundreds.
"Well. Shout if you need me." Bardock slumped back on the ground. Kakarot's training, not his. Killing an army of bad guys wouldn't do much for Bardock at this point. Goku nodded and ran off. As Bardock lay with his eyes closed, he could hear distant gunfire and repeated explosions. Once, he even heard a kamehameha. Huh. Bad part about making your home underground with your only enterance being a cave? Nowhere to run.

One month later:
"Kami Kakarot, do you have to fight almost everyone we meet? You look like a savage!" Bardock commented playfully. They were walking to who knows where, in pursuit of who knows what. But Kakarot kept fighting. The blue dōgi he had "borrowed" from the dog was starting to get torn up, but that didn't matter to them. They were just here to train. Bardock had a plan. For the first year, Kakarot could walk and fight whatever he wanted. But, for the next two years, it would be Bardock's training time. And it would be brutal.

One year later:
His dad's training is brutal. He had left Goku alone in this forest, blindfolded, and told him to use only his ki sensing to find his way back to him. And this was after almost 6 months of nonstop sparring. So what? He will. He walks around, attempting to find a food source that wouldn't hurt him more then fill him. Those have been a rarity of late. Also a rarity of late has been warmth. The dog's dōgi was shredded, pieces of fabric falling off periodically. Oh well. He keeps walking. This forest won't stop him forever!

Another year later:
"Hehe! That was a good one!" Bardock chuckled, narrowly blocking his son's punch. He wasn't lying either. His power had swelled immensely in these past two years. Bardock actually allowed himself on one occasion, because of his son's unrelenting asking, to go full power. Anyone who could sense power levels felt it, and some came looking for the source. And Kakarot would beat them up too. It really was incredible just how much his power had grown. He had worked for almost a full year on it, but Kakarot was now extremely precise with his ki blasts. Not that his kamehameha was ever something to scoff at. Maybe, just maybe, Frieza really will pay after all.

323 days later:
The two saiyans were walking through a town when Kakarot noticed a sign.
"Oh crud! The Tenkaichi Budokai is tomorrow!" Bardock's eyes widened. He had forgotten! The two saiyans both frantically went around town, asking as to the location of the tournament. The answer came from a man wearing a business suit.
"Well... this is Yahhoi Island. I'm afraid the tournament is being held on an island almost on the complete opposite side of the globe!" Goku nodded a curt thank you.
"Dad! We're in luck! We can still swim there! It's on the opposite side of the world!" Bardock nodded.
"Ok! Race you there?" Goku smiled.
"Of course."

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,593
Goku: 405

Bardock(10 days later): 12,595
Goku(10 days later): 410

Bardock(1 month later): 12,600
Goku(1 month later): 420

Bardock(1 year later): 12,610
Goku(1 year later: 440

Bardock(another year later): 12,620
Goku(another year later): 460

Bardock(the day before BT): 12,625
Goku(the day before BT): 470

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